Страница 2: ...t Key Number Part Name Quantity Used 2 All nuts and bolts used throughout this kit are metric size Therefore some of the notations may not be familiar to you An M3 nut is a 3 millimeter 3mm nut An M3 x 14 screw is 3mm in diameter and 14mm long Some round parts may be labeled as an M3 Washer a washer with a 3mm inside diameter or an M4 x 8 Bushing a bushing with a 4mm Inside diameter and an Smm out...
Страница 3: ...er If a replacement part is required in the future find the key number of the part needed In the replacement part list in the pullout section Refer to the Stock and Mfg when ordering replacement parts m This symbol means that the pans are no1 m includOd and must be purchas od separatoly A The number inside this symbol shows whaJ 1 J con1ain the paris for that step This symbol roquifOS that thick c...
Страница 4: ...ion manual symbols are used to alert you to perform certain procedures A symbol guide is provided at the bottom of each page to assist you If you use Nickel Cadmium Batteries in the radio system the batteries are recyclable At the end of their useful life under various state and local laws it may be illegal to dispose of these batteries into the municipal waste system Check with your local solid w...
Страница 5: ...elio lslod belOw 1 Underall clrcumstanoes r tum the ENTIRE system truck and radio 2 Make sure lho transminer is wmod oft and a1 baUOfles are d osconnodod and alluelio rom lhe _ 3 Send wriuen lnllructfons whlch include a list of all items returned a THOROUGH explan a tion ol the prOblem and tho a erviee needed and your phone number whefe you can be reached during the day II you expect your repair 1...
Страница 6: ...gripping it with a pliers FILL SHOCKS WITH OIL jl I Pull the shock shalt down tuly and fin the 1 shock slowly with shock oil 1 I I I I I I Pul the shock shah down fully and thread the 1 shock cap assembly onto the shock body 1 I I I I I Checl to make sure the shock shaft moves throughout the complete range of travel Periodlcall y move the shah up and down to help remove air bubbles SYMBOL GUIDE ll...
Страница 7: ...T c ru 1l M3X6X5 BUSHING 0 2 E2 5 E RING oooooonoouoooo ooooo o ooo 1 STEP 5 Slide lhe tan assembly over the FAN SHAFT and secure it using lhe E2 5 E RING STEP 1 Press lhe two M3X6X5 BUSHINGS Into lhe FAN COLLAR STEP 2 Altach the 0 FAN SHAFT to the FAN MOUNT using the two M3 NUTS STEP 4 Slip lhe FAN BELT onto lhe FAN COLLAR Note the direction ollhe FAN Attach the 0 FAN SHAFT to lhe lower hole In t...
Страница 8: ...ing two M3X6 SIT SCREWS SILVER INSTALL QRC UNIT rfl1 mm a 2 M3X10 SIT SCREW SILVER p 2 Attach the STEERING POSTS to the CHASSIS using two M3X6 F H SCREWS SILVER M3X6F IH SCREW SILVER Attach the QRC unit to the CHASSIS using four M3X10 SIT SCREWS SILVER SYMBOL GUIDE Part must move freety without binding TIGIITEIITilESETSCREWS ONTilEFLATAREASOfTHESHAFTS 1 3Apply lhread lock 8 ...
Страница 9: ...S M Step 2 Slide the two M5X10 BUSHING onto the OUTPUT BEVEL GEAR Attach the JOINT using the M4X5 SET SCREWS lilliiil 0 6 M3X10 SfT SCREW SILVER 12 M10X14 BUSHING co0 4 M5X10 BUSHING 0 4 M5WASHER 4 Firmly tighten the M4X5 SET SCREWS onto the flat areas Step 1 Attachthe M10X14 BUSHING M5 WASHERS and JOINTS as shown Secure the JOINTS using the M4X5 SET SCREWS Step 3 Insert the differential into GEAR...
Страница 10: ... into lhe GEARBOX MOUNT R Attach lhe 1 GEARBOX MOUNT L and secure all using three M3X10 SIT SCREWS SILVER ASSEMBLE REAR SUSPENSION Mr jJ M E2 5 E RING 2 MSX10 BUSHING 0 4 M4 FLANGED NYLON NUT 1 1 2 M3X7X2 PLASTIC COLLAR 0 2 PIVOT BALL SHAFT 0 111 2 lnslall lhe two MSX10 BUSHINGS inlo the 10 RE AR HUB R Slide the REAR SHAFT lhrough lhe bushings and attach lhe DRIVE WASHER and M4 FLANGED NYLON NUT t...
Страница 11: ...gearbox assembly using four M3X10 SIT SCREWS SILVER Attach the rear suspension arm assemblies to the gearbox assembly using the SCREW PINS Note the direction of the REAR SHOCK TOWER M3X10SJTSCREW SILVER lt11NSTALL REAR UPPER LINKS IM fll M MS 8 BALL 0 2 SYMBOL GUIDE llEAII UPPERUHK 11 Assemble in this order 11 M3X10SCREW Apply procedure to both leh and right side ...
Страница 12: ...J 0 RING LARGE Into position and attach the rear guard assembly to the gearbox using two M3X10 SCREWS SILVER and two M3X15 SIT SCREWS M3X10 SIT SCREW SILVE R M3X15 SIT SCREW 2 J RING LARGE 0 1 1 Step 1 Attach the REAR GUARD UPRIGHTS to the REAR GUARD MOUNT using two M3X10 SIT SCREWS SILVER Step 2 Attach the REAR GUARD BRACE to the REAR GUARD UPRIGHTS using two M3X10 SIT SCREWS SILVER SYMBOL GUIDE ...
Страница 13: ...TSUSPENSION HOLDER R Attach lhe gearbox mounts to the gearbox assembly using two M3X10 SfT SCREWS SILVER SYMBOL GUIDE Assemble ln this order Attach the FRONT SUSPENSION MOUNT R to the FRONT GEARBOX MOUNT R using two M3X10 SfT SCREWS SILVER Repeat this for the l FRONT SUSPENSION HOLDER L 13 Note the direction of the gearbox assembly GEARBOXASSEMBLY Apply procedure toboth taft and right side FRONTGE...
Страница 14: ...h the knuckle arms to the lront hubs using the KING PINS FRONTHU8 R IFRONTKNUCKLEARM R li J fT t IJRIVEWASHER _ M4FLANGED NYLONNUT INSTALL FRONT SUSPENSION M E2 5 E RING 2 M3X7X2 PLASTlC COLLAR D 2 PIVOT BALL SHAFT 0 10 2 SCREW PIN ml 1 2 Attach the front suspension arm assembly to the gearbox assembly using the SCREW PINS SYMBOL GUIDE tnstall tempo arily Attach the front hub assembly to the 9 FRO...
Страница 15: ... FRONT SHOCK TOWER to the front geartlox assembly using four M3X10 SIT SCREWS SILVER Note The direction of the FRONT SHOCK TOWER tl INSTALL FRONT UPPER LINKS IMr 1 0 RING SMALL 0 1 2 II SYMBOL GUIDE ASsemble In this order 15 Apply procedure to both lah and fight side FRONTUPPER UNK L ...
Страница 16: ...0 4 Attach the SERVO SAVER SPRING to the STEERING ARM by carefully Opening the spring with a nat bladed screwdriver attach the STEERING LEVER to the SERVOSAVER Install the MSX8X2 5 PlASTIC BUSHINGS into both the servo saver and STEERNG IDLER ARM 112 X8 SOT salEW SilVEil tot ERARM SPRING Attach the LINKAGE GUIDE using an M3 NYLON NUT Attach the M5 8 PIVOT BALLS to the STEERING BAR using the M3 NUTS...
Страница 17: ...d front geatbox as shown v _ 1 Note The gear case should line up with the notch In the front of the chassis STEP 2 Remove one of the M3X8 SCREWS Place a small amount ol thread locking compound on the screw Reinstall the screw and tighten it thoroughly Repeat this procedure with the other two screws This process must be done to prevent the engine from coming loose and damaging the gears STEP 3 Remo...
Страница 18: ...SOmm piece ol the FUEL TUBE and auach it to the fuel tank as shown AUach the t40mm tube to the catburetor and the tSOmm tubetothe muffler Make sure neither tube can get caught in any moving parts SYMBOLGUIDE 18 Note The muffler may need to be rotated to poshion the exit as shown To do so loosen the SCfew on the muffler and rotate the exit Tighten the SCfew When done rotating the exit Cut a 140mm p...
Страница 19: ... the servo and mounts 113Xf0 SITSCREWS SILVER tAt J INSTALL THROITLE SERVO Iril M3X10 SIT SCREW SILVER 2 Attach the throttle servo to the and servo mounts using four M3X10 SIT SCREWS SILVER as shown Install the assembly to the chassis using four M3X10 SfT SCREWS SILVER Note the direction of the servo and mounts SYMBOL GUIDE t3NOI included 19 I i 113X10SITSCREWS ...
Страница 20: ... 1 Anach the RADIO BOX HATCH to the RADIO BOX TOP using a M2X20 SCREW Step 2 Install the switch harness using the screws Included with the switch harness Step 1 Trim a servo horn to match the illustration Allach the LINKAGE ROD A to a hole 13mm lrom the center ol the horn Step 5 Attach lhe SERVO GUARD using two M3X10 SfT SCREWS SILVER Step 3 Attach the radio box lop to the RADIO BOX BOTTOM using s...
Страница 21: ...I M3X2D SET SCREW till il ll lllliiiiUIIIII 2 M2 6X2D F H SCREW ln llllhthu ii 1 p mum 2 M5 8 BALL END t J 2 M5 8 BALL BLACK 2 STEERING COLLAR 2 SYMBOL GUIDE Assemblethesteeringfllikago asshowninIllsdiagram M5 8BALLEND M3X20SETSCREW 0 nn artS shOWI l ate actuaJ IJll SIZ8 aNot Included 21 Pass the servo leads through the radio box and connect them aocording to the radio manufacturers instructions M...
Страница 22: ... below ACTUATORSPRING INSTALL THROTTLE LINKAGE 1 M2X6SCREW 1 THROTTLE STOPPER GOLD 2 Attach the LINKAGE ROD A to the carburetor as shown Slide the THROTTLE STOPPER GOLD onto the LINKAGE ROD A and attach il to the activator using a M2X6SCREW SYMBOL GUIDE Par1 must mova lreety withou1binding 22 ROO A BoodasshownIndearlhelanunit ...
Страница 23: ...D 2 EmINSTALL SHIFT LINKAGE Irii1 LINKAGE ROD C 1 M3X3 SET SCREW I ID 1 LINKAGE STOPPER SILVER 121 2 fV l K q C I l r r SYMBOL GUIDE Install temporarily 3Apply thread lock 23 Assemble and install the linkage as shown in the diagram Assemble In this order t3Not included ...
Страница 24: ...pen 1mm wide at idle fi IINSTALL AIR FILTER IM Install the air cleaner making sure ft does not contact the fan e FIIONTVIEW SYMBOL GUIDE aCut off excess materiaL 24 Step 2 Adjust the linkage stoppers so there is a distance of 3mm from the rod pivot e RMRSE Step 4 Check that the carburetor is fully open in the forward direction If not move the position of the rod pivot AWAY from the center of the s...
Страница 25: ...REW 2 Attach the A 4 Front Body Moun1 Bracket to the front shOCk stay using two M2X8 SCREWS Attach the tront mount holderto the A 4 Front Body Mount Bracket using two M3X15 Slf Screws M2XSSIT SCREW Secure the front body mount using two M2X8 SCREWS SYMBOL GUIDE Repeat this Jl OCBSS as manylimes as spGCif ed 25 Apply procedure to both left and ghl side Use the 8th hole from the top ...
Страница 26: ...lhe 6th from lhe top DriU a Jmm hOle at the lOCationsshown INSTALL TIRES AND WHEELS Slip the 8 WHEEL Into the 8 TIRE secure the pair using CAgtue SYMBOL GUIDE Holtthedlrte1lon olthe tim TopYiow Use a hex wrench Inside the set screw to hold the axle white tightening the M4 FLANGED NYLON NUTS Drill hole to lhe specified l2ri m diameter 26 Unscrew the M4 FLANGED NYLON NUTS install the wheels then tig...
Страница 27: ...2 PAINTING THE BODY M Wash the body tho oughly using a mild detergent to remove any din 011 Mask the body fr n the inside RIGHT 8 2LEfl IIRROR IIRROR Paint the body from the inside using a paint formulated for Lexan bodies Use the box to assist In recreating the color scheme Aher painting remove the protective film from the outside of the body SYMBOL GUIDE g Drill hole lo the specified 2DimJ diame...
Страница 28: ...3 M3X8SCREW 2 M3NUT 2 M3WASHER 2 BODY CLIP 4 Install the B 2 and B 3 Mirrors uslng two M3 Washers and two MG Nuts Install the B 1 Grill using two A 1 Grill Spacers and two M3X8 SIT Screws Secure the B 5 Roll Bar to the body using four A 3 Washers and four Body Pins APPLY DECALS SYMBOL GUIDE Apply decals in the positions shown Decals with no numbers can be placed anywhere you prefer 28 I ...
Страница 29: ...r Dodge Ram on ground that is overgrown with tall grass or in muddy sandy or rocky conditions Ensure the throttle and QRC linkages move smoothly without binding It may be difficult to change the running direction when driving up hill or on bumpy ground This is a normal condition and does not indicate any trouble with the QRC unit Check all screws nuts etc on a regular basis to make sure that they ...
Страница 30: ... fuel and air are drawn Into the cylinder As the piston moves up the air fuel mixture is Ignited by the glow plug and the piston is pushed down As the next air fuel mixture is drawn into the cylinder the exhaust is forced out the muffler When first starting the engine a battery operated device called a glow starter is connected to the gtowplug causing a platinum coil on the inside to glow bright r...
Страница 31: ...the high speed needle In clockwise 1112 tum leaning the engine out Remlthe fuel tank and run the Ml tank of fuel 1 12 umt 9 Repeat the procedure closing the high speed needle until 5 to 6 tanks of luel have been run through the engine lithe needle Is 31 closed too lar the truck will overheat and slow down Stop the truck and turn the needle out counterclockwise 1112 turn richening the engine 10 Att...
Страница 32: ... Rear Suspo nslon Arm 37 104 x 2 pc s 41 x 4 pea 8V 03 sa Rear HUb L 38 39 1 pc or415 39 Rear Hub A Jncfuded In bag OT G45 Key il 38 40 Pfvot 8 all Shah AO X 2 pes 92522 41 4 43 M3 x7 Pla 1JC Collar _ _ lncluded In bag 8V o3 Key I 37 Reat Shatl 42 x2 pes _ _ _ OT 018 Oftve W uhOf _ ___43 4 pes 92636 44 SaewPin _ ___ _ 44 x2 pes _ _ _ _ _ 92641 45 Roat Shod Towe _ 45 65 x 1pe _ _ _ _ _ 8V41 46 1 15...
Страница 33: ...ed In bag 93631 02 Key 154 Reverse Idler Gear Shaft ORC 158 166 x 1pc 92631 05 F MWatd Drive Gear ORC fnduded in bag 93631 02 Key 154 Clutch Shaft ORC 160 x 1 pc 92631 04 Clutch ORC 161 X 1pc 92631 07 Reverse Drive Geru ORC Included In bag 93631 02 Key 154 Shift Aetualor ORC Included In bog 92831 01 Key 151 Shift Lever QRC Included in bag 92631 01 Key 151 Shift Lever Spring QRC Included In bog 928...
Страница 34: ...ngine does not start Check that nothing is Does th e engine caught in the Does the engine NO turn over easily NO drivetrain Press the turn over easily with the glow Check that the primer pump plug removed the pull starter and check for operates YES YES fuel spraying smoothly out of the fuel NO Is foreign matter NO Is fuel in the The engine may line through a clogging the fuel fuel line be flooded ...