S t a n d a rd Feature s
Flush mount faceplate design
Advanced solid state design
Pulse-width-modulation charge algorithm to
extend battery life compared to conventional
“ o n - o ff” type contro l l e r
Te m p e r a t u re compensation circuit to
automatically adjust the optimum battery
re g u l a t i o n
Lightning transient pro t e c t i o n
PV and battery reverse polarity pro t e c t i o n
Selection of battery type between
flooded and sealed
Flush mount packaging
Parallel capability
5 year limited warr a n t y
R a t i n g s
B a t t e ry Voltage:
12.0 Vo l t s
Maximum PV current:
16.0 Amps
17.0 mA
Te m p e r a t u re Setpoints
Operating Te m p e r a t u re
R a n g e :
-30°C to +70°C
Te m p e r a t u re Compensation
C o e ff i c i e n t :
C o n t rol Setpoints
S e a l e d
F l o o d e d
B a t t e ry
B a t t e ry
Regulation Vo l t a g e :
14.1 V
14.4 V
Other Specifications
6 oz. (.17 kg)
D i m e n s i o n s :
6.0 x 3.5 x 1.7 in.
(15.24 x 8.89 x 4.32 cm)
Voltage Drop PV/Battery :
0.17 Volts
Meter Accuracy:
2 %
O p t i o n s
S u rface Mount Enclosure
Model FM16C is an advanced solar battery charge-only controller designed for use in
RV re c reational vehicle traveler kits, small rural electrification and intro d u c t o ry level
systems. The controller provides a solid state,
without relay design providing a cost eff e c t i v e
migration of technology for users and systems
c u rrently using relay based or traditional
“ o n - o ff” controllers. The FM16C features a
p u l s e - w i d t h - m o d u l a t i o n c h a rge circuit, which
will positively ensure a well-controlled bulk
and then taper charge of the battery at the
regulated voltage. This unique design without
a micro p rocessor finally brings to the first
time user a PWM product at a price which is
e x t remely attractive to replace the older
c h a rging technology c u rrently being used.
The attractive faceplate displays four system status LED’s, and features a built-in LCD
digital system monitor which accurately monitors battery voltage and push button
displays PV current. The reverse polarity protection circuit design features a reverse
polarity red LED for PV or battery, ensuring proper hook up.
480/951-6330 • 800/544-6466
FAX: 480/951-6329
e-mail: [email protected]
Specifications subject to change without notice.