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08 December 2020
700-00121-000 revD Kymeta u8 products installation and user guide
Clean the u8
Prior to cleaning any part of the u8, ensure it is powered off.
General cleaning
Blow or rinse off loose debris first, and then apply a cleaning agent and use a clean, soft towel to clean the stained area.
Avoid scrubbing and do not use abrasive materials when cleaning the terminal components. Avoid exposing rubber
parts (for example, gaskets) to alcohol or alcohol-based cleaners, for these can deteriorate the rubber.
To gently clean all
, use a soft bristle acid brush or cotton swab with isopropyl or denatured alcohol. Take
extra care when cleaning RF air-dielectric connectors and don’t damage, bend, nick, push in, or pull out the center
connector as this can affect your signal. Carefully clean any surface corrosion on the exterior of the connector. Do not
scrape or overscrub the connector as this can damage the connector coating and render it more susceptible to
corrosion. Ensure connectors are completely dry before reconnecting.
To clean lightly oxidized
, use a soft bristle brush and isopropyl or denatured alcohol. Replace heavily corroded or
oxidized screws when possible.
General cleaning agents
Clean fingerprints, smudges, salt spray, and light marks with a soft sponge and a mild cleanser that does not use
abrasives, acids, and/or biocides are added.
For more difficult stains, isopropyl alcohol products (CAS Number 67-63-0) or LPS Precision Clean Multi-Purpose
Cleaner (degreaser at 10 to 1 dilution) can be used, however the hydrophobic coating should be reapplied after cleaning.
Hydrophobic coating reapplication
The u8 comes with a hydrophobic coating applied to the radome. For best performance Kymeta recommends reapplying
the coating every 6-12 months. Kymeta sells the hydrophobic coating reapplication kit (U8ACC-00028-0) as an
accessory. For additional information on this coating or for purchasing this material, see the following site:
To reapply the hydrophobic coating:
Clean the radome surface with isopropyl alcohol.
Spray Chemona MultiCoat hydrophobic coating evenly onto the surface of the radome.
With a cotton or microfiber cloth, polish the multicoat onto the surface ensuring an even coating across the
Allow it to sit for 45 minutes.
If there are any visible streaks from the coating, repolish the surface after 45 minutes.