Chapter 8 - UMS Configuration
AMA 310/UMS V21.0
Figure 8-5 VAROS 107 report menu page 2 - free text categories 3 to 5
After preparing the report an *.XML-File is generated, as mentioned. This can be opened and
edited with standard spreadsheets. The file includes several workbooks with different
measurements. In the first workbook exactly the free text categories described above can be found.
Here again category 5 is missing, as it has not been provided by the headend. The categories 1 to
4 have been filled with information ("John Doe", "33495", "John Sample" and "Any Street") by the
Figure 8-6
Report workbook "Common“ with filled
-in free text fields
The advantage of the *.XML data file format is that you can process the report with standard PC
programs. For example from the X-Y coordinates (frequency and level) of the sweeping curve
(frequency response measurement) the frequency response in form of a diagram can be restored
very quickly and transferred to the usual representation of the measurement instrument display: