Chapter 8 - UMS Configuration
AMA 310/UMS V21.0
Network Settings
By selecting the menu item
an input window can be called up in which some settings
regarding the cable network can be made. 16 characters each can be used for the network name
) and the name of the clusters (
). The handheld uses this information for
identifying the network.
In the setting
a reference level in [dBµV] can be entered which will be used for all
measurements of the UMS. This reference level can be compared to that of the CMTS to which all
cable modems connected line up. If the same upstream level is connected to the RF input of the
headend as to the CMTS, then this reference level should be set to the same value as that of the
CMTS (e.g. 60 or 75 dBµV).
a value in [ms] for the system-dependent delay of the transport stream from the output
of the headend to the input of the DVB-C modulators can be set. Should this delay which may for
instance result from the IP distribution of the transport stream, be in the range of 100 ms and more,
a corresponding value has to be entered in
Otherwise the factory setting of 0 ms can be
maintained. This delay value is of vital importance in the synchronization of the field instruments
and/or in the correct display of the measuring and sweeping results.
All handhelds, which shall be used in UMS, have to be registered in the headend with its serial
numbers. The signaling from handhelds to the headend is done by ASK-modulated telemetry
carriers and their frequencies have to be in the upstream frequency range.
By selecting the menu item
an input window can be called up in which all handhelds
with its serial numbers, telemetry carriers and -if required- the names of the owners/technicians can
be registered. At the same time a system graphics appears on the screen, which shows all
frequency inputs of the UMS. More detailed information to the system graphics can be taken from
Chapter 8.2 - System Plan.
A telemetry carrier is a sine tone, which will be assigned with its frequency to a handheld. Via this
frequency the communication of the handheld with the headend will be made. Up to 10 handhelds
may be operated at one headend.
Giving the name of the owner of the handheld and/or technician facilitates conflict solution when
several field instruments access a headend at the same time.
For all frequency settings apart from the telemetry frequencies of the handhelds two profiles are
The configuration of the profiles is done via
If e.g. upstreams or clusters with varied modem frequencies are connected to its inputs when using
the RF switch SW 024, this may be provided by assigning different frequency profiles to the
different inputs of the SW 024. This is explained in "Chapter 8.1.7 - Cluster Differentiation when
using the RF Switch SW 024".
If the cluster switch is not used, the last configured and/or selected profile
for the RF input of the AMA 310/UMS will apply.