Chapter 8 - UMS Configuration
AMA 310/UMS V21.0
receiver have to be set. This is made by selecting the menu item
. The input behind the ":" corresponds to the destination port:
Figure 8-1 Input of the destination IP address and port for the TS streaming interface
- Unicast and Multicast
UDP or UDP/RTP packets can be transmitted via a point-to-point connection (Unicast) or a point-
to-multipoint connection (Multicast). For Multicast a reserved destination IP address range is
reserved which includes the range from to
If the IP data stream of the instrument is supposed to be sent to several receivers a destination
address from the above mentioned range has to be set.
- Data Encapsulation
The transport stream packets can either be sent via UPD- or UDP/RTP protocol. By selecting the
menu item
the data encapsulation can be configured.
Always 7 transport stream packets are packed into one IP frame.
The MAC address of the second streaming interface can be retrieved by selecting the menu item -
. It is firmly coupled to the hardware of the instrument.
Transport Stream Settings
By selecting the menu item
an input window can be called up in which some transport
stream settings can be made. In the UMS mode the instrument supplies a DVB-compliant transport
stream with several PES (Packet Elementary Stream) data streams as well as SI (Service
Information) data.
By selecting the input window the following parameters can be set:
Provider Name:
16 characters for the name are available here
Service Name:
16 characters can be used here as well
In addition the following PIDs can be entered in decimal form:
PMT-PID, ServiceID, PES-PIDspec, PES-PIDconst, PES-PIDmeta, PES-PIDtele.
The service ID is the identification number for the overall service of the AMA 310/UMS to the field
instruments. By means of this ID the transport stream with all its elementary streams can be
uniquely identified. In addition, this is the only number, which has to be known later on in field use,
such that the field instruments can successfully communicate with the headend unit.
If multiplexers are used in the headend for example, the service ID set in the
instrument may be overwritten in the headend. For the configuration of the
field instruments the service ID is of importance which the service after the
QAM modulation in the RF channel really has!