Chapter 6 - Measuring Mode UMS (Upstream-Monitoring-System)
AMA 310/UMS V21.0
Figure 6-18 LC display during a frequency sweep by a field instrument at switch input 4
Figure 6-19 LC display during MER/BER measurement by a field instrument at switch input 4
Figure 6-20 LC display during TILT measurement by a field instrument at switch input 4
Figure 6-21 Graphics display during TILT measurement by a field instrument at switch input 4
Final Remarks
The remarks on ranging and telemetry signals which can be found in "Chapter 6.6.2 - Ranging and
Commands via Telemetry Carriers from Field Instruments" apply by analogy for the operation with
the cluster switch.
Moreover, certain commands and/or frequencies are down mixed to a frequency below the return
path spectrum (4.33 MHz) within the switch. Therefore, spectral activities may sometimes be visible
The constellation view does not differ from the UMS operation without the switch SW 024.