38 | kvm-tec
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4.1.4 MoUsE GlIDE & sWITcH
Multiple UVX Extenders can be configured to automatically switch the USB operation of any
computer and follow the mouse movement.
Up to 8 monitors can be configured both vertically and horizontally.
Press „M“ to go to the configuration of the Mouse Glide & Switch function. The corresponding
local parts are connected to the REM part via a 10 G network switch.
To change the existing layout press the T button.
If not all extenders are available, these can be found with the F key. Use the arrow keys to
navigate to the screen symbols and assign a local unit with the L key and a number and a
remote unit with the R key and a number. This must be confirmed with Enter.
With the key „
“ you can identify assigned extenders by starting the LED to blink when
With „
“ you reach the border settings, in which you can set the visual position display of the
mouse in your setup.
Use the C key to reset all settings.
Press the A key to apply all the settings you have made.
SCREEN „Mouse glide& switch“
4. EXTEnDEr fEaTUrEs
4.1.5 PoInT To PoInT
By pressing „
“ you reach the configuration point to point.
By default, the remote is directly connected to the Local.
4.1.6 MaTrIX sWITcHInG sYsTEM
Pressing „S“ takes you to the Matrix Switching System configuration.
If this function is active, the Multiview Commander and Mouse Glide functions are controlled
via the Switching Manager software (see Switching Manager manual).
All functions of the Switching System can be managed via the Switching Manager Software.
With this link you can donwload the switching Manager software Manual:
4.1.7 Usb saVE fEaTUrE
Press „
“ to go to the USB SAVE FEATURE configuration.
With the activation, the intrusion of computer viruses can be prevented via USB-mass
storage. Data from a connected USB mass storage device cannot be accessed.
4.1.8 DIsPlaYPorT MUlTIsTrEaM
By pressing „
“ you access the Displayport Multistream configuration and activate the
Multistream functionality.
4. EXTEnDEr fEaTUrEs