54-0215 Rev. C
3 Digital 1000 Hz Asynchronous Interface
3.1 Description
(KVH Part No. 02-1222-07)
Connector pin 9, with ground pin 11, provides an asynchronous serial interface to the
gyro. This interface has the following characteristics:
Type: RS-232
Baud Rate:
115,200 Baud
Parity: None
Data Bits:
Stop Bits:
Flow Control: None
The gyro’s output has the following format:
Output Burst Rate:
(approximate, see Note 1)
Output Format:
Each character contains 10 bits:
1 start bit (Space, binary 0)
8 data bits (1 message byte, starting with LSB)
1 stop bit (Mark, binary 1)
An idle line is always marking, that is, in a binary 1 state. Four
characters in sequence constitute a basic message.
Note 1: The output burst rate may vary, gyro-to-gyro, by ±2 to ±3 percent. There is also a variation over
temperature of approximately ±0.2 percent.