Kvaser BlackBird Getting Started Guide
32 (47)
3. In the Wireless Network Connection Properties, scroll down the list and
select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4). Click on the properties button.
4. In the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties you should select “Use the
following IP address” and enter your static IP address and subnet mask. The
Kvaser BlackBird is currently not accessing any DNS server, so you may
leave these fields empty.
5. Click OK
6. Click Close to apply the new settings.
Figure 24: Setting static IP in Windows 7.
Setting up Wireless Hosted Network on your computer
Windows 7 introduced “Wireless Hosted Network” as a replacement for ad-hoc
network and is configured from the command prompt.
Start by opening a command prompt as administrator. On Windows 7, type
into the Start Menu search box, right click
and select “Run as
administrator”, see Figure 25 on Page 33.
Now verify that your wi-fi network card is capable of running a hosted network by
C: \ > n ets h wlan show d r i v e r s
Kvaser AB, Mölndal, Sweden — www.kvaser.com