Gateway Component for PROFINET
25 / 44
5.4 Exchanging Data acyclically (Records)
The gateway component supports records. This access type is useful
for all events that do not have to be repeated regularly (e.g. sending
parameter data in the start-up phase).
Another benefit of records is due to the fact that you can write
continuously ascending areas at once.
Index 0x1005 writes byte 10 to byte 19 with 10 bytes of
data in the output process mapping.
You can use all 512 bytes of the input and output area to read or write
Bear in mind that the first 320 bytes of the input and output area are
used for cyclical data transmission.
Records that you address with index 0x0000 – 0x00ff or 0x1000 – 0x10ff,
can be overwritten by the cyclical data transmission.
All records are addressed via API 0, Slot 0, Subslot 1. The data is
transferred in Little Endian format. In the case of Big-Endian format,
the higher-value bytes are first transmitted and stored at the memory
locations with the lowest addresses.
2 bytes are always addressed per index:
Offset 0 + Offset 1 → Record 0
Offset 510 + Offset 511 → Record 255 (0x00ff)
Index 0x0000 – 0x00ff contains the input data sent from the partner
gateway component.
Index 0x1000 – 0x10ff contains the output data sent to the partner
gateway component.