General rules
Range of application
Use high pressure cleaner for cleaning purposes only using high pressure jet with
or without cleaning detergent.
Environmental, refuse disposal and water protection regulations
must be observed!
The high pressure cleaner must be inspected according to the “Guidelines for
Liquid Spray Devices” at least once every 12 months by a qualified person, to
ensure that continued safe operation is guaranteed. The results of the inspection
are to be recorded in writing (see Inspection reports).
High pressure cleaners used for commercial purposes have to be
checked by a qualified person at least every 12 months!
Accident prevention
The high pressure cleaner is designed for accidents to be impossible if used
correctly. The user is to be notified of the risk of injury from hot machine parts
and the high pressure jet. The “Guidelines for Liquid Spray Devices” must be
complied with.
Oil leakage
If oil leaks contact your nearest after-sales service (dealer) at once.
(environmental damage, damage to the transmission).
In case of increased humidity or fluctuations in temperature
development of condensed water is possible. If the oil turns grey
or white, you must change it.
General rules
Oil change
The first oil change should be carried out
after approximately
50 operating hours
then every year or after 250 operating
hours. If the oil turns grey or white, you
must change the oil. In case of exchanging
oil being required, the oil drain screw must
be opened above a container and the high
pressure cleaner be emptied. The oil is to be
caught in the reservoir and disposed of in an
approved manner.
New oil: 0.8 l
Kränzle Gear Oil (Item no. 40.092 2)
or Motor oil W 15/40.