Kramer Electronics Ltd.
– For Web Administrator: Configuring Settings – Gateway Management Pages
Formatting QR Code
The QR Code widget is a QR code that enables a participant to join the meeting by scanning
the code with their device.
Format the following on the PROPERTIES tab:
Figure 30: QR Code Properties Tab
Under Enable QR code, click
to enable joining the meeting using the QR code.
Under Bypass room code, click
to enable joining the meeting using the QR code
without entering the room code.
Under Keep QR code always on top, click
to always show the QR code on top of all
content being presented on the screen.
To download and print a hard copy of the QR code to post in the meeting space, go to the
Screen Editor page and click the QR code icon in the Preview column of the active screen
Formatting Calendar
The Calendar widget displays information about meetings scheduled in the room where the
VIA device resides.
The VIA Calendar feature must be configured and activated to use this widget
Integrating Third Party Calendar
Format the following on the Properties tab:
Figure 31: Calendar Properties Tab