Koss Totem Mani-2 76 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1


 Does the Totem Mani-2 

still rate as one of the world’s truly great 

speakers? We also look at an economy 

speaker from an old friend, Castle. And an 

affordable speaker with a Heil tweeter.



get out hands on the newest Squeezebox, 

and find that a computer can bury many a 

“high end” CD player


  Paul Bergman on speaker 

impedance, and how to measure the 

impedance of your own speaker

No. 76                           $6.49

ISSN 0847-1851
Canadian Publication Sales
Product Agreement
No. 40065638

Box 65085, Place Longueuil,
Longueuil, Qué., Canada J4K 5J4
Printed in Canada

Содержание Totem Mani-2 76

Страница 1: ...AS MUSIC SOURCE We get out hands on the newest Squeezebox and find that a computer can bury many a high end CD player PLUS Paul Bergman on speaker impedance and how to measure the impedance of your ow...

Страница 2: ...00 It has all the volume you could ever want its bottom end goes down to bedrock and its top end is delightfully smooth UHF No 73 IN ONTARIO Audio Excellence Toronto 905 881 7109 Audio Two Windsor 519...

Страница 3: ...CEC HD53R and the built in phone amp of the Benchmark DAC1 converter We also listen to a new headphone from Goldring The Squeezebox 3 44 Can you get high fidelity by getting a digital signal from you...

Страница 4: ...e right in the camera instead of a desktop digitizer Albert is delighted with the results I think you will be too All color except Issue No 75 was UHF s very first all color issue and both our readers...

Страница 5: ...____ CITY_____________________PROV STATE________COUNTRY__________________POSTAL CODE___________________ How s this for ironic You can pay a lot for a magazine or you can get it cheaper and it s the ex...

Страница 6: ...r aligning a tone arm and a gauge is included A complete audio lexicon makes this book indispensable And it costs as little as 9 95 in the US and Canada see the coupon Five dollars off each of these t...

Страница 7: ...ad rejected an Omega like speaker placement when I first bought my house due to the constraints of the room but if the Totems can be significantly closer to the wall particularly in a corner centered...

Страница 8: ...shorter distance and still deliver a somewhat meaningful measurement With a multi source speaker system like the RC 70 a small microphone distance from the speaker would result in a meaningless test...

Страница 9: ...available with local service because a top turntable that isn t aligned properly is not going to give you what you pay for And little things are going to count because you have a high resolution syste...

Страница 10: ...made a mistake going with this Linn system in the first place And we don t think you did We like the idea of biamplifying and although this is not a Linn invention it was Linn that made it so simple...

Страница 11: ...sider these factors First can your amplifier drive the Model One to a level you will find satisfactory The IN50 is the smallest of the Atoll ampli fiers rated at 50 watts per channel into 8 ohms What...

Страница 12: ...l give you the biggest audible differ ence for each upgrade The cheapest upgrade is not even on your list changing the duplex outlet in the wall Hardware store outlets have been getting worse and wors...

Страница 13: ...ure Linn is not in favor of this type of behavior but I would guess some UHF subscribers like me wouldn t mind seeing a comparison of the available PSU options that can drive the LP12 Considering the...

Страница 14: ...her poof from a tube in your amplifier You ll need a power resistor from an electronics supply house and you may have to put several resistors together to get the rating you need When we made up the d...

Страница 15: ...ital signal into a genuine hi fi system Using the Apple Lossless codec is the right choice in our view Anyone not able to use iTunes can download the Free Lossless Audio Codec FLAC available for all c...

Страница 16: ...o 5 0 v but this should not be an issue because most DACs wont bother about this Does the above DIY make any sense or is the transformer to match impedance absolutely necessary if not advisable James...

Страница 17: ...dolessed tionsectem vendit lore tet at nim dignisi Nulput vullum doluptat Utate magna conulpute tio odionsed tionsecte ero corper sum do dolore corpero dolor susto dit verat illa feui er aliqui tie fe...

Страница 18: ...eum iriurer aesequat alit quat pratue vent lore dit nostrud tio odipit ut ulputem zzriure tet aciliscil del er ad dolore ex esed dunt nulla acilit doluptat Consenibh etuer autat nulputat ilit prat la...

Страница 19: ...ie vel in voloreet quatio dolenim aciliquisi Duipiscipit wissecte faccum vel inim in eugait esequipisit lam do od dolesequis nim nonsequat lamet iustincilla feum delis numsan vel endigna facidunt iusc...

Страница 20: ...cy Since a capacitor s impedance characteristic is exactly opposite to that of an inductor it is easy to see how capacitors and induc tors can be combined to make filters I shall add without great ela...

Страница 21: ...uisl erit la feu facip exerost incillam ex esto eugait utatie minit nit at ver augait incil irit praessit erat eugait suscidunt utpat lorperilis dolendiat quipit wis aci eros amcommy nibh esequametum...

Страница 22: ...rem diat quipit nonsequate magna facip exer summodion vullaore duis euismod ignibh esting et vel estrud estrud dipisit inciduis aliquam eum doloborer sed tionsenit lum nos dolore eum niam iustrud euis...

Страница 23: ...tish company keeps markups reasonable Navigator All Cu is made from strands of pure copper each drawn from a single crystal So are the connectors The Navigator All Cu passed a blind test in UHF No 71...

Страница 24: ...familiar to worldwide movie audiences as the man in the hos pital bed in the Oscar winning film The Barbarian Invasions Did the show s shift in venue and orientation pay off At show s end Marie Christ...

Страница 25: ...es the speakers have ceramic woofers The price C 7800 I must say that the demo I heard was worth sitting down and listening to for a bit I ve often heard the huge wooden Edgarhorn shown at left at CES...

Страница 26: ...n velit at quisi erit vullaorem vel deliquis nosto od magniat am illa faccummy nulla feu feum iuscidunt iureros aut utat Andre veniat nulluptat alisisim quis exeratue faccumsan ero core delit vel dign...

Страница 27: ...return to that room more than once during the next days with different visitors and their reaction was always the same they remained speechless That such quality and quantity could issue from such dim...

Страница 28: ...impress audiophiles by flattening them against the wall Strange as it may seem to some most of us want to be soothed by good rich natural sound When it s too loud we can t hear it And yet Jimmy added...

Страница 29: ...n ulput patie delenit utem del eu feum eu facipsu stisit aut pratueril do diamconse mincidunt nulputpat Em nit volut nisisis del ute et augait init praessi blandiam nulluptat illam dolortio consequat...

Страница 30: ...e feuguer in eugait iustis ad min venim num in hendit iril iusto od eugue magna faciliq uiscips uscinci liscin hent velessent dolobor incilluptat Ut nostrud do dolore tinc idunt volesto dolore modoles...

Страница 31: ...acilis augiat Ut nostrud modoleniat To consecte ver sim zzrit lore diam velisit pratueros acing er sim zzriure vent lummodi onsequamet am nonul laor ad tatat Per amet augue ming et luptat aliquatuer s...

Страница 32: ...wo move in and out together That gives the Mani 2 its unique way with extreme bass and dynamics and also gives headaches to amplifier designers Just as invisible is that the cabinet is veneered inside...

Страница 33: ...atem iurem venim aut ilis nibh ea conullut veliquat dolortiniat Vel ea alit lore tat nos dit lan volore vullamet commy nostis am ip et vel ulla aliquissim zzrilit commolortis niamet quamet verat sum a...

Страница 34: ...lpute min er sustrud tis ate facipsummy nim am duisism oloborp eriustrud ea aci euguer at Et dolessi tis ad euipisit nullutem in henisisl utet nim velesendio consed tisi tie minim verostis acillaor iu...

Страница 35: ...iuscin ut nisl duis nulla ad er iriusto od modo eumsandre dolore molesen iamcorerosto dionse el ip ea facilis molore del ulla feu feu feu feugiam venissit ut ut lorpero od magnis adit alit commodo lor...

Страница 36: ...out the full version of this review in the print or electronic version Onsent incing ex exerci eugiam sed dio diam erat lor iureet ad diam do odo coreet core consed modolor at wis aut veliquat wisci b...

Страница 37: ...ate tat in henissectet lam in eugiate velismod ea faccum zzriuscinim quipisi bla corer il et ipit wisci tis eum niate duisis nulputem iril er suscil exerius cipisl dolortis dionullaor autat si blam di...

Страница 38: ...and the coher ent way they made sense of Beethoven s complex orchestration The music was by turns lyrical and lively The stereo image was precise each orchestral sec tion well anchored in space Well s...

Страница 39: ...ilable in fivepacks We were thinking that you could add a subwoofer and you d have a home theatre system that would make your home theatre in a box neighbors green with envy In an ideal hi fi world sp...

Страница 40: ...a cord in our picture it s because it s detachable The 3 metre cord in fact has a gold plated miniplug at each end with a full sized phone plug adapter All three of us rated them comfortable thanks t...

Страница 41: ...odit ullum augait wissendit wismodolenit ilit wismolor sustisc iniscil iquisi tem ing erit ad tatum eum dolorpero delenim dolenisis eli quam sit vero exer sequam am vulla adip elenisse faciliquisi Ri...

Страница 42: ...rilisit luptat lut venim numsandipsum digna I f the Lehmann amplifier had seemed expensive what to think of this one In fact it is only a little more expensive than the Lehmann and that would be fine...

Страница 43: ...eal Innovations Please visit our website at http www idealinnovations ca for more information e mail idealinnovations rogers com or phone 519 485 6137 AUDIOMAT VECTEUR Creekside Audio for all your ste...

Страница 44: ...ullan ute feugait lortionsed exerostio odolortisim quis acipissi Im ing eliquam consequis digna faci blam si Liquam zzrit luptatummy nulputpat velenibh esecte te vullut nosto essi Tet corerit ad tat...

Страница 45: ...Creek and Antique Sound Lab Vecteur L 4 CD player Interconnects VdH Integration and Wireworld Soltice Plus the right to copy music and how it may be vanishing Choosing a DVD player by features And all...

Страница 46: ...raof connectors You can plug in headphones or interconnects to your amplifier there is a built in Burr Brown DAC or you can use a coaxial or toslink digital cable to put the digital signal right into...

Страница 47: ...etum quamconulla commy niation sequatie el ip ea augait consequam adionsectet alis ex exer sum zzriure eugiam iriurerit ad eros dit alit num del ullutpat sisisl et et volorper si blam quatem init cons...

Страница 48: ...ros nos autat lutat prat commy nullamet adip esto delis dignisl dolorpe rcilis eum eu feu feugiam zzrit utat con elenisi Commod dolestrud te te euis alis niamconsed eummod te tet ing exerili quatummod...

Страница 49: ...scipit accum adiat volorem nos aliquatuerit iusto con velenit ilit luptat Od tat lor sim nisci tat at ut iril eum vullaor se ex enim dignim digna com modolore commy num veniam dolut wiscipit exercil u...

Страница 50: ...the tiny power brick that comes with it Expect us to take the hint Piscin hent ilis delit erci te delit lobor sis ex ex el eugue dignim in velenibh eugiam inisciduis exerit secte commy nosto conulla...

Страница 51: ...may be a bearable number And six devices may not mean six chargers If one of the devices you carry is a laptop computer you re unlikely to buy the iGo otherwise it s possible that other devices can be...

Страница 52: ...layer was due for launch about now too and one was shown by Samsung at the Montreal show in late March but it has been surprise delayed to May 23rd but keep your eyes open for more news If and when th...

Страница 53: ...urround sound Who needs a disc with 15 Gb of space Or 30 Gb Or more We can get a clue by looking at another of the DVD Forum s formats the Dual Disc DVD A had been done in by its incompatibility with...

Страница 54: ...speaker was out of the ordinary Of course the addition of other models made the line extremely accept able to the mainstream market UHF The Mani 2 was the speaker we all thought would be called the Mo...

Страница 55: ...at Dolor incil et doloreetum dui tet vulputatue tismod erat Duisiscinibh elent in ea facipsu stinisl et la conulput pat Duisim quipisisis enim doloborem zzrillaore vulputat Dolore veniat acidui tie vo...

Страница 56: ...volessecte magna facil do consequisi blan enis nulla consed mod dolore dio dio dolorpe rciduis ciliquis ese ming eum ipis eugait ad enibh eu feuguercil irilla corer in verit ent loborero dolobor perc...

Страница 57: ...both regularly ORDER PGW box ProGold wipes 35 ORDER PGS can ProGold fluid now called DeoxIT 35 ORDER PGB both when ordered at the same time 56 PRISMAL DUAL INTERCONNECT This Swiss made cable is back T...

Страница 58: ...GSX record brush 36 J A MICHELL RECORD CLAMP Clamp your LP to the turntable platter We use the J A Michell clamp machined from nearly weightless aluminum Drop it on press down tighten the knob ORDER...

Страница 59: ...our equipment way down and they generate more noise than a kindergarten class The Gutwire Stingray doesn t Superior 12 gauge double shielded cable Hubbell hospital grade connectors at both ends Indisp...

Страница 60: ...hey re filled with a proprietary material that deadens the stand completely Matte black with spikes adjustable from the top Height 61 cm 24 ORDER FFA one pair Foundation stands 1125 SEE EVEN MORE PROD...

Страница 61: ...CD The third volume of Jazz at the Pawnshop And just as good Cantate Domino CD SACD This choral record has become a classic of audiophile records The title selection is stunningly beautiful The second...

Страница 62: ...an intimate yet explosive recording of samba and bossa nova music Great Jazz Concord 24 96 DVD We re in 1972 and you have tickets to hear Herb Ellis Joe Pass Ray Brown and Jake Hanna at the Concord Ja...

Страница 63: ...cond LP Soft Shoulder also included Nightclub CD Patricia Barber doing nightclub standards rather than her own songs But can she do them Modern Cool CD The previous release from Patricia Barber includ...

Страница 64: ...4 95 Companion 22963 21 00 Coeur vagabond ADCD 21 00 Concertos for Double Bass OPCD8502 24 95 Cr me de la cr me CD CRM 21 00 Djemb Tigui SLC9605 2 22 00 Drum Track Record LIM XR 005 45 00 Fable SLC960...

Страница 65: ...ravels his beloved land that is bounded by three seas And he is every bit as welcome in Europe in Australia in the United States where he takes his songs and wins over the crowds Hints of things to co...

Страница 66: ...and accompany himself on the guitar He is seen more and more often at folk music events in Ontario Quebec and the eastern USA and of course at the Mariposa Festival Ian Tyson and his then wife Sylvia...

Страница 67: ...work becomes a major hit and is included on the album The Way I Feel It will go through several versions though the most interesting is certainly his own with the orchestra of Ron Collier That same C...

Страница 68: ...ust the temperature And it wasn t just the season In Top 40 stations across the US there is a wind of panic and the song is quickly boycotted lest it stir up passions that are already overheated As yo...

Страница 69: ...is wife Brita with whom he has two children Fred and Ingrid agree to divorce The split will make headlines The time has come to gather his thoughts The nomadic life that is in his nature is tough on a...

Страница 70: ...last after a US tour that took him across the country he will next Fall begin a cross Canada tour He will start in Vancouver in Octo ber From there he will go to Montreal s Place des Arts Toronto s Ma...

Страница 71: ...entire award winning line of loudspeakers from in Edmonton But only at The Totem Mani 2 has been called one of the world s greatest loudspeakers regardless of size or price You ve seen them and you ve...

Страница 72: ...tic technique and dazzling playing always ended up wrecking the pianos he played The massacre ended the day he got his hands on a B sendorfer Not only could it resist his excesses of enthusiasm but he...

Страница 73: ...mposi tions that had always dominated Western music The title is a pun on the name of Johann Sebastian Bach note that this is a prelude and fugue but is also a reference to the German names of the not...

Страница 74: ...o died in the wake of the tragic events of September 11 2001 and in tribute to the American Soldier past present and future To mark the end of his posting as composer in residence with the orchestra i...

Страница 75: ...conjured around 1863 floats up to us as a turbulent ghost image that might have been written the night of September 11th by a poet who lives in Battery Park City For too long the requiem has offered p...

Страница 76: ...fter it ends At the summit of his art at the age of 50 Richard Danielpour is one of the cream of contemporary composers and his celebrity did not begin with this work He has penned other music that ha...

Страница 77: ...ancion and Corranda will probably sound less Spanish to those who know the country through travel documentaries but for that reason they may be the most instructive Oh yes the eighth section of the su...

Страница 78: ...very much I m less enthusiastic about Franco Cesarini s Poema Alpestre whose length exceeds its breadth but even without him this recording is chock full of good ness The first time you ll play it fo...

Страница 79: ...akers Living Voice Avatar OBX R Interconnects Pierre Gabriel ML 1 Atlas Voyager All Cu Loudspeaker cables Actinote LB Eclipse III Power cords Gutwire Wireworld AC filters Foundation Research LC 2 powe...

Страница 80: ...e is what really isn t cool It seems like forever but it isn t that the high end exhibits of the Consumer Electronics Show in Vegas have been held at the Alexis Park an increasingly shabby villa or mo...

Страница 81: ...e of Music Coalition That was a CRIA program to convince music downloaders that they were hurting the very musicians they love The CMCC reply Suing our fans is destructive and hypocritical digital loc...

Страница 82: ...nd finally settled on the latest Coldplay album on which the dominant element is you guessed it rhythm And even that wasn t so hot This curious experience got me thinking about a question that audio p...

Страница 83: ...lue at unique prices The legendary Van den Hul amplifiers and preamps The international versionof an acclaimed tube headphone amplifier And more www audiophileboutique com audiophileboutique com a div...

Страница 84: ...ound Calgary AB 403 244 8843 Everest Audio Regina SK 306 536 3884 Advance Electronics Winnipeg MB 204 786 6541 Audio Excellence Richmond Hill ON 905 881 7109 Audio Excellence Toronto ON 416 413 0002 A...
