Kosmos Kosmos 1 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

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Страница 3: ...IKD8MaSI 1M Copyright Kosmos International Ltd Patt lltPt nding...

Страница 4: ...1 10 n c 3C J 1 S G 0 I p j I I I I I I I I r 19 ltg 1 I ul l 13 o Il I l 11 31 J Youhne3 bi cycles Pb iC21 cmotioal IUd iAtdJectuaI ThetloeorystataWt yvar biJyposiOODill ad Dftbese basllotto60withbow...

Страница 5: ...ABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Introduction 2 General Description 3 Key Description 4 Biorhythm Application 5 Calc ulatorApplication 6 Specifications 7 Precautions S Glossary 9 Bibliography 10 BirthdateRegister 2...

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Страница 8: ...r on the market KosmosI But before you startpushingbuttons take a minute to be sure you undersumd what you ll belearningabout yourself Biorhythms are defined as the different cyclesyour mind and bodyg...

Страница 9: ...hese cycles hasa lot to do with how you feel Forcxa mplc when you refull ofencrg you re probablyin the up pcriod of your physical C c1e hcn you tire quicker than uswl chancesare you re in the down per...

Страница 10: ...lioll al d inldlec C ckt II ClII alm rOil 10 ri1 1 nd mini riliallb S I e ut i OU com ibililr ntios lId b u 1 mcmorr b lIks 11 un lso dd lIblr let mullipl nd dh idc It s not hocus pocus It s a behavor...

Страница 11: ...hythmseversince Over 100 books have been written describmgwhat has already been learned IBM builta computercostingover S2 OCXJ OOO that cangive researchers all of the biorhytlunic infonnarion they wan...

Страница 12: ...9 IB l360 TM IB 116O compl ltn o In J O t1l tbe biofil tilmie t dcuL It ion ou 1 1 nbil t5 m nd C N bou l...

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Страница 14: ...It s thanks to the help ofcomputers like these that the trainingofsomeof the most powcrlul OlympicTeaffis in the world have revolved around eachcompetitors biorhythm 11...

Страница 15: ...theirbiorhythms charted InJapan taxi bus md truck drivers along with train conductorsmld industrial workers have all had thciraccidcm rates cut sharply when theirbiorhythms were watched And ifyou jus...

Страница 16: ...the desired biorhythm data is display don adigital displ 1Y Inaddition the machine ca n be used as astandard four function calculator 2 BasicFunctions 2 1 Personal Biorhythm Key in yaurown birthdate a...

Страница 17: ...he points on your biorhythm erell S fora gi cn day the calculator will lllo yoll to go fOI ardur hackw lrd in di lily increments to quicklydctcrmim the dates It critical mmini critical days These 1 1Y...

Страница 18: ...CRIPTION CD Forward m Reverse Biorhythm Function Keys m Biurhyrhm E Dare O Birthdatc CD Comp ltibilityf Similarity Digit 1 Display _ Traffic Lights _ OnlOffSwitch _ ClcarKcy _ Arithmetic Keys _ Numbcr...

Страница 19: ...10 sec displaYLod OJ Numeral Keys o CD Entt rs numerals Decimal Point Key For decimal places lise th key in its 101 1c 11 sequence Arithmetic Kc s O iEi HEj Press the mUlleral and arithmetic keys in t...

Страница 20: ...r ex ullplc IUl1e 7th lY76 oremtl CD D CTIL Or em lomh Day Ycar Aftcr pressing the G key tho dute plus till d lY orthe L l k will be visiblcon the display Birthdatc Keys mThis a key is for kl ying in...

Страница 21: ...e wc ck will be visibh on the display In addition usc of dthcr the BI or B2 keys is illustr 1tcd by J lisp in the extreme left hand digit Wlll n usingB I A U will 1ppenr in the top half ofdigit jhcn u...

Страница 22: ...ll cause the computertocalculate the compatibility betweenyourselfand anotherperson and display them ForwardJReverseKeys m Thisdecrement key will cause the cL1te to reverseeachone Simultaneouslythe ne...

Страница 23: ...letely clearall register to begin a new calculation The computer will again be in the four function calculation mode at this point until one of the biorhythm function keys is again pressed Note When y...

Страница 24: ...on press the c kl y Error Inti o r 1O OCCUI 5 1 When m answcrexcecus l digit integers 2 In case the date uryear is entered 3S a I digit number 3 In case the numbcrof the l11omh day and year are outsid...

Страница 25: ...be calculated l Example ForJune 7 1976 pn ss thl keys in the following order 00 00 8 6 J 110 Day YC lr Only the la it two digits of the rcar an w be keyed in Note Ftlrmomhllnd dayTl o Digits J 1usr be...

Страница 26: ...Behind Toda s Date Step 1 Cllcu atc Biorhythms as in3 1 through Step 6 Step2 Prcss Gllincrcmeml key Display will ch mgc to shuw date immcdi I tt ly following that initially sC t Step3 Press a key Dis...

Страница 27: ...Step 2 Press CD kc y Display will shuw new J lt Step3 aJ IfnUDe If the traffic lights are lit press CD key ag 1in Display will show n w date bl If traffic lights all lit press D kef to obtain all bior...

Страница 28: ...d mini critical days as ftillt1 S Critical Days Mini Critical Days Red Light Yellow Light 1 12 13 7 I L 11 I 17 14 Note What this means is that depending on your hourofbinh you could begin your critic...

Страница 29: ...ooay sd 1te ordate on which the biorhythms an to hc calculatcd Stcp2 Press G key Step3 Key in person s birchdate Stcp4 Press m key StepS Press a key Tht display will now change to indicate the points...

Страница 30: ...key StepS Press CD key Display will now change to show compatibility as a pcrcc ntage cacho tht three cycles between you and the other persun Note I Steps3 through may be repeated foras l11 1ny peopl...

Страница 31: ...uhltofand instructs tiU in its basic opc ltiol1s so tmlt y llI ma y soon cmn th cvm ct mt thods of computing pa rticular htncri l 1s Thisc31cul 1lOT has l built in fl atUI tu clearall n gisrcrs 1ummat...

Страница 32: ...3 l4El15g103El1 iilIIl 5 at 5 4 5 e Subtraction 12 389 3i7 11 a 38ge Note Topcrfonn 3 problem usinga negative 1st numbt r operate o vo Ii then the number Example 1 0 4 l I MultiplicationDivision 3x4x...

Страница 33: ...lixed Calculations 3x4 2 4 1 x 1_ 4 1 6666667 lx3 li3402D3Cll4la _ CJJ I 41 l 6 6 66 6 6 7 Cunst lnt calculationsare pcrfunncd as follows Entry EttDI EntryEl 6 Sl t as constant Entry ClIElJEntrySl 30...

Страница 34: ...30DnEi 28E1 12303 EI 333E1 3DS EI EI 4 DEiDEID EI DISPLAYED RESUlI 1616 0 1814 0 14 I I III I I 1 I 19 1 I 1217 I I 1811 Note When operating in the constant mode ifthe machine capacity is exceeded in...

Страница 35: ...EntrylResult 8digits Calendar Jan l 1901 Dec 31 1999 CalculationMethod J gebraic method DecimaiPoint Fullfloatingdecimal point system Negative NumbeI Indicated byminusI Isign on the leh of the digit...

Страница 36: ...ant Sl dry OOtlt rics 5U 1 3 it upcratl S for jprmximatd 10 hours continuous Jy En n hen baHcry IXlwcrdccrcascs the dis play will merely da rken but cause no miscalcuI tti ln When you have finished ro...

Страница 37: ...t m l enust Jam J l w btnh the AC ADAPTOR nd calculnwr Plug till applil aok AC t DAPTOR into the AC lutlet ami C lTd inCll ch calcul wf Vhen rlu L d in h lm ry f llwcr supply stops lutOlll ltically s...

Страница 38: ...o inadvisable to subiect the calculator to hard knocks drops and unduly strong key pressLrIg Extreme cold below 32 Fora CI heat above 104 For 40 C and humidity may also effect the function of the calc...

Страница 39: ...ompletion of your use of the calculator Do not clean the calculator with harsh clc mersOf petroleum and ak lhol always usc the silicon cloth To avoid damage to the calculator when changin battc rics h...

Страница 40: ...tyRatio cis This simplyshows howyourbiomythm blendsin ith someoneelse s People with the same birth dates have biorhythms that ron inthe same cycles So they are compatible 100 of the time People with d...

Страница 41: ...70 7 il 57 f 1 7 19 1 7 0 7 JlIA 13 2 9 21 7 9 36 9 16 lU 13 III 2 10 19 11 4 3 11 21 11 1 1 II Vl 12 14 27 4 3 I 7 13 21 13 13 14 0 1 14 21 7 7 IS 9 15 lOA I I 3 I 39 1 17 21 16 17 47 tl 18 2 17 3 18...

Страница 42: ...obe betterthan the days belowit Cycle Emotional SensitivityCycle This biorhythmiccycle is28 days longand affects your creativity sensitivitYt and mood as well as yourperceptionsof the worldand yourseU...

Страница 43: ...ion in ourphysicalcycle hasalot todowith whether Ou refull of pep Orfeel I Fleiss Dr WiIhelm He soneofthe people who started it alL In 1887 hediscovered the 23 day physicalcycleand the 28 1ayemotional...

Страница 44: ...m graph you arc on what researchcrs call a high On thosedays you are apt to have more energy feel more emotionallystable and be more alert Low minus day On any days which appear below the criticallinc...

Страница 45: ...S coordinated than on critical days which have long been look at by scientists as the accident prone clayo an individ 1 This theory may be the missing linkthaI has beensoughl by scientists to prove th...

Страница 46: ...Cliffs New Jersey Prentice Hall 1970 Brown Prank A Woodland Hastingsand ohn D Palmer The Biological Clock Two Views NewYork London Academic Press 1970 Bunning Erwin The Physiological Clock NewYork Spr...

Страница 47: ...and Exercise for Physical Education and Athletics Dubuque Iowa Wm C BrownPu6ITSllers 1974 Dewey Edward R Cycles The Mysterious ForcesThat TriggcrEvents NewYork HawtbomBooks Inc 1971 Edholm O G and A...

Страница 48: ...ess 1967 Karlins Marvin and Lewis M Andrew Biofeedback Philadelphia and NewYork J B Lippencott Company 1972 Kleinnan N and Wakefulness Chicago University of ChicagoPrcss 1939 Kuhn Robert 1 Control You...

Страница 49: ...N Biologi AspectSof dium Rhythms London and NewYork Plenum Press 1973 Moore Ruth TheCoilof Life New York AlfredA Knopf 1969 Morehouse LaurenceE Laboratory Manual for PhYSiologyof Exercise Saint Louis...

Страница 50: ...s Ne Yorl AcademicPress 1976 Rejmann Hoban A Periodic Diseases Philadelphia F A Davis Co 1963 Reinberg Alain and JeanGhar Biological Rhythms NewYork Walker8 Co 1964 Richrer Paul Cun l ClocksinMedicine...

Страница 51: ...thm Research Amstemam London andNewYork Elsevier PubIisbingCompany 1965 Still Henry OfTime Tides andInnerClocks Harrisburg Pa SUlckpoleBooks 1972 Thommen GeorgeS lsThisYourDay NewYork CrownPublishers...

Страница 52: ...BIRTHDATE REGISTER NAME DATE 1 49...

Страница 53: ...NAME DATE 50...

Страница 54: ...51 NAME DATE I I...

Страница 55: ...NAME DATE KDEiMD8I TM 52...

Страница 56: ...W III c 0 0 z E Z 0 0 0 0 W III OJ m m III ili t l 0 C D I Z c m 0 0 C D D 0 0 c m u W m u...
