Getting Started
Randomize uses a combination of preset selection and select value randomization, rather than direct randomization of
all parameters.
To use Randomize:
1. Press the (Randomize) button at the top right of the window.
The Randomize dialog will appear.
2. Set the Scope as desired.
Scope controls the parts of the sound that will be randomized. It’s set to
by default, but can be set to
Program Select, Layer, Wave Sequence Select, Arpeggiator, Filter, and so on.
Depending on the Scope, additional settings may appear:
Fx/Mod Knob Values randomizes the Mod Knobs (Program and/or Performance, according to Scope) and Effects
Edit 1/2/3 by the specified percentage.
Modulation Intensities randomizes the standard LFO and Envelope intensities for Filter, Amp, Pitch, and Pan.
Randomize Fx Enables controls the On/Off settings for the Effects (with probability weighted towards On).
Speed randomizes Wave Sequence Speed.
3. Press the Randomize button to randomize the selected Scope.