Parameter Guide
4. Vocoder Parameters
These are the parameters for a vocoder program (Page 01A:
COMMON “Mode” = Vocoder).
These parameters are the same as for Single synth programs.
Refer to “3. SYNTH Parameters.”
These parameters are the same as for synth programs.
Refer to “3. SYNTH Parameters.”
A: Wave
............................[Saw...Audio In]
B: Control1
C: Control2
Select the waveform of the carrier.
Saw, Pulse, Tri, VoxWave, DWGS, Noise, Audio In
Refer to “3. SYNTH Parameters” Page 05: OSC 1.
A sine wave will be used. No cross modulation will be
• Control1
Adjusting the value will modify the waveform.
• Control2
LFO1 will apply WFM (wave form modulation) to the
waveform specified by “Control1.” The depth of the
LFO1 modulation is adjusted by “Control2.”
These are the parameters for the input from the AUDIO IN 2
A: Gate Sense ............................................ [000...127]
Specify the speed of the gate that will be applied to the audio
signal input from the AUDIO IN 2 jack according to the
“Threshold” setting.
Lower values for this setting will make the gate operate
more quickly, causing the vocoder sound to decay more
Higher values for this setting will make the gate operate
more gradually, causing the vocoder sound to have a longer
If the “Threshold” value is high, this effect will apply
more readily. If the value is 0, there will be no effect.
B: Threshold
...................... [000...127]
Specify the level at which the audio signal from the AUDIO
IN 2 jack will be silenced.
Increasing this value will cause the audio signal to be
silenced. This lets you eliminate any noise that might be
heard when no input signal is present.
If this setting is set excessively high, the audio signal
will also be cut, and it will be difficult for the vocoder
effect to apply.
C: HPF Level
........................ [000...127]
Adjust the amount of the high-frequency portion of the
audio signal input from the AUDIO IN 2 jack that will be
mixed into the output of the vocoder.
Increasing this value will emphasize the portion that corre-
sponds to the consonants of speech or singing.
D: HPF Gate ................................................ [ENA, DIS]
When mixing the high-frequency portion of the audio signal
input from the AUDIO IN 2 jack into the output of the
vocoder, this setting specifies whether this high-frequency
portion will be output only while the internal tone generator
is sounding, or whether it will always be output whenever
there is an input to the AUDIO IN 2 jack.
Use this setting when you wish to apply the vocoder effect
only to the internal tone generator, or when you wish to
use the MS2000/MS2000R as a tone generator and connect
the output of another synthesizer to the AUDIO IN 1 jack.
This setting is effective when you have connected a guitar
via an effects unit etc. to the AUDIO IN 1 jack.
Page03: VOICE
Page04: PITCH
Page05: OSC 1
Page06: AUDIO IN 2
Program parameters