Korenix Technology Co., Ltd.
Layer 3 Managed Ethernet Switch
Industrial Layer 3 Managed Ethernet SwitchUser Manual
Page: 1021/1568
show openflow table status
This command displays the table information of OpenFlow switch.
show openflow <instance-id> table-status
Default Setting
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
(Quanta) #show openflow 1 table-status
Flow Table Name................................ Openflow
Maximum Size................................... 896
Number of Entries............................. 3
Hardware Entries............................... 3
Software-Only Entries.......................... 0
Waiting for Space Entries...................... 0
Flow Insertion Count........................... 3
Flow Deletion Count............................ 0
Insertion Failure Count........................ 0
Flow Table Description......................... The Openflow table matches on the packet layer-2 header,
including DA-MAC, SA-MAC, VLAN, Vlan priority ether type; layer-3 header, including SRC-IP, DST-IP,
IP protocol, IP-TOS; layer-4 header, including UDP/TCP source and dest port, ICMP type, and code;
and input port including physical port, LAG port.