KSwitch D10 MMT Managed Time Sensitive Ethernet Switch - Preliminary User Guide, Rev. 0.99
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Access Procedure
The switch is shipped with default username ‘admin’ and with no password. It is strongly
recommended to assign a strong password instead.
Username ‘admin’ cannot be removed or be changed, only its password.
To obtain the list of default user names and passwords:
From a remote computer, open a telnet client tool and connect with the NOS IP address, using the port 2031
Log in the switch NOS CLI using the appropriate credentials.
Deactivate Serial Timeout
# configure terminal
(config)# line console 0
(config-line)# exec-timeout 0
(config-line)# end
(config)# end
Accessing the Operating System
Access to the Linux shell is provided by the NOS application once debug features have been enabled by CLI command.
# platform debug allow
# debug system shell
Switch Web User Interface Help
A comprehensive Web User Interface’s Help Menu provides information about the overall set of functionalities and
corresponding configuration options.
Switch CLI Help
The switch CLI contains a context-sensitive help feature. Use the <?> symbol to display the next possible parameters
or commands and their descriptions.