KSwitch D10 MMT Managed Time Sensitive Ethernet Switch - Preliminary User Guide, Rev. 0.99
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Username ‘admin’ cannot be removed or be changed, only its password.
To obtain the list of default user names and passwords:
From a remote computer that has access to the switch network, open a browser window and enter the IP
address discovered for the switch. http://[SWITCH_IP]
Accessing the Switch NOS CLI using Telnet from a Remote Computer
Access is permitted using either an in-band Ethernet port (IP address) or the serial console port. For both options the
default login and password is the same.
Default login account for NOS:
Login: admin
Network switch IP address is known
Remote computer has access to the switch network subnet
Remote computer has an installed telnet client tool
PuTTY is recommended for Windows environments and telnet is recommended for Linux
Setting up the Serial Console Port
The serial console port enables local management using a terminal emulator or a computer with terminal emulation
software. To connect a host PC to the serial console port connector, use the console cable (RJ45 to USB Type A) to
connect the switch’s RJ45 serial console port to the host PC’s USB port.
The serial console port is a serial port and requires only the serial baud rate 115200 and 8-N-
1, to be set up. There is no flow control.
To set up the serial console port on the switch, perform the following:
Insert the console cable (RJ45 to USB Type A) into the RJ45 console port on the switch and the other end of the
cable into a USB port on the PC that will be used to set up the console, see Figure 13.