If the blower is subjected to vibrations from the pipeline,
there is also a risk that the blower's control system will
be damaged. These vibrations can propagate through
the blower housing into the control unit. Flexible transi-
tions must therefore be fitted. Kongskilde offers Ø160
transition incl. clamps, under part no. 122 000 026 (for
the blower outlet).
It is important that the pipe system is supported or
suspended properly. Furthermore, piping should be
supported close to the blower, and no twist from the
connected pipeline must be transferred to the blower.
If the piping is not supported properly, or if any
twist is transferred, there is a great risk that the
blower control system will be damaged!
The pipes on the blower's inlet and outlet side must be
set up, so that the pipe ends lie parallel to each other
and are centered on one another, with a max. deviation
of 2 mm before mounting the bolt clamp.
The MultiAir blower is designed so that it can be in-
stalled outdoors.
The operators panel must be installed indoors or pro-
tected from water and UV rays, as precipitation and
sunlight can damage the panel.
Kongskilde offers an enclosure for outdoor installation
of the operator panel under part no.: 123 022 262.
The operator panel is included in the delivery with the
blower and can either be hooked onto the blowers end
(see photo below), or mounted elsewhere. The panel is
equipped with 10m. cable, this can be replaced to max.
100m. if necessary. Kongskilde can supply an exten-
sion cable set of respectively 50m and 100m, both
contain data cable and 24V supply cable, and both are
approved for outdoor use.
Part no.
123 022 311 50 meter extension cable (data + 24V)
123 022 312 100 meter extension cable (data + 24V)
Use a standard CAT6 data cable and 24V supply cable
for outdoor installation, if necessary. Use cable ferrules
for the 24V cable, and do not extend the cables as
joints may impair reliability.
If the blower is delivered with a flow- or pressure con
trol, the pressure transmitter must be mounted on a
solid surface without any vibration.
The operators panel is enclosed and connected to the
blower at delivery, and hooked onto the blower´s end
plate as indicated: