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from the smallest nearfield limit in to the transducer level the pressure 

level will be constant.  


If the source level of the echo sounder is not known, but both beamwidths 

or transducer array lengths or even just area are, the maximum possible 

pressure level may still to a good degree be estimated. Then one has to 

rely upon the fact that there is a maximum acoustic power intensity that 

can be applied to a transducer in the order of 2-5 W/cm


 to avoid cavitation 

(lowest number is typical at say 12 kHz, highest at say 100 kHz). With 

shading being applied in one direction the power will be reduced to about 

50-60%, and for both directions to about 30%. 


The calculations outlined above are for the on-axis direction (usually 

straight down). Off-axis the pressure level will fall rapidly for a narrow 

beam (alongtrack for a multibeam echo sounder), the level will be 20 dB 

down at a little more than twice the beamwidth. Acrosstrack, the pressure 

level will typically be 20 dB down for angles of more than 75-80° of the 

vertical for flat arrays. At for example 45° the closest nearfield distance 

will be half that of on-axis, leading to a 3 dB reduction in pressure level for 

distances larger than the nearfield distance on-axis. At 60° the nearfield 

distance will be reduced by another factor of two, and taking into account 

the usual level reduction at large beam angles also, the pressure level 

would typically be down about 8 dB compared to on-axis. At 70° the level 

will be about 16 dB down due a further halving of the nearfield distance 

and the beam pattern drop-off.  For multibeams which use sectorized 

transmission such as most current Kongsberg systems, beam defocusing is 

applied in the central sector(s) in shallow waters which implies that the 

nearfield will be shortened and the drop-off in pressure level starts earlier. 

For curved transducers the nearfield limit and the pressure level will stay 

fairly constant across the whole angular coverage angle. 


Sonars may be transmitting horizontally and with a sound speed profile 

where the sound speed lessens toward the surface the spreading will 

cylindrical even in the farfield due to ducting causing a sound channel at 

the surface. For multibeam echo sounders this is usually not the case, 

except for tilted systems such as with the dual head EM 3002. 


The following table shows the relevant parameters for the currently 

available Kongsberg multibeam echo sounders. For each model the 

alongtrack (transmit) beamwidth, the source level in dB re 1


Pa at 1 

meter, calculated nearfield distances and pressure levels in dB re 1 


Pa at 

the nearfield distances are provided. The effect of absorption loss is not 

included in this table. 
