WA470-6, WA480-6
Points to remember when handling hydraulic equipment
With the increase in pressure and precision of hydraulic equipment, the most common cause of failure is dirt (foreign material)
in the hydraulic circuit. When adding hydraulic oil, or when disassembling or assembling hydraulic equipment, it is necessary
to be particularly careful.
Be careful of the operating environment.
Avoid adding hydraulic oil, replacing filters, or repairing the
machine in rain or high winds, or places where there is a lot of dust.
Disassembly and maintenance work in the field.
If disassembly or maintenance work is carried out on hydraulic
equipment in the field, there is danger of dust entering the equip-
ment. It is also difficult to check the performance after repairs, so it
is desirable to use unit exchange.
Disassembly and maintenance of hydraulic equipment should be car-
ried out in a specially prepared dustproof workshop, and the perfor-
mance should be checked with special test equipment.
Sealing openings.
After any piping or equipment is removed, the openings should be
sealed with caps, tapes, or vinyl bags to prevent any dirt or dust from
entering. If the opening is left open or is blocked with a rag, there is
danger of dirt entering or of the surrounding area being made dirty
by leaking oil so never do this. Do not simply drain oil out onto the
ground, but collect it and ask the customer to dispose of it, or take it
back with you for disposal.
Do not let any dirt or dust get in during refilling operations.
Be careful not to let any dirt or dust get in when refilling with
hydraulic oil. Always keep the oil filler and the area around it clean,
and also use clean pumps and oil containers. If an oil cleaning device
is used, it is possible to filter out the dirt that has collected during
storage, so this is an even more effective method.