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KOMA Elektronik GmbH  is a subsidiary 
company of KOMA Elektronik B.V.

Geschäftsführer / Managing Director: 
Christian Zollner & Wouter Jaspers
Sitz der Gesellschaft / Registered Office: 
Berlin, Germany

Registergericht / Court of Registration: 
Amtgericht Berlin-Charlottenburg
Registernummer : HRB 145453
Umsatzsteuer ID / VAT ID: DE285522050

KOMA Elektronik GmbH

Mahlower Strasse 24
12049 Berlin-Neukölln


1. Unpack your machine

The package comes with the RH301 pedal, a 9VDC, 500mA, 
center-negative power supply and this manual. Make sure 
that the power supply is rated for the line voltage of your 
country: 120 VAC for the USA, 220 VAC for Europe or most 
other countries. 

2. Connect it

Be sure your amp or mixer is turned off, then connect the 
clock, envelope and LFO outputs to your instruments you 
want to control. Or, connect external MIDI, DIN Sync or a clock 
source to the RH301 to sync it.

3. Set up a basic patch

Set all controls and connections to a patch in basic settings.

4. Power up / Bypass

Connect the RH301 power supply to the RH301 DC input on 
the backside of the pedal. When you press the PUSH switch, 
you start the clock.


Now play that machine! Adjust divisions and multiplications 
of the clock as well as LFO and envelope settings to further 
manipulate your sounds and rhythms!

Dear KOMA user,

Thanks a lot for purchasing the KOMA Elektronik RH301 
Rhythm Workstation / Utility Tool!

The RH-301 is our solution to a problem many musicians 
are struggling with: analog and digital equipment that 
needs to run side by side, in sync, but at the same time 
still needs to be controllable, which is not always an easy 
task! There are many standards out there: MIDI, DIN Sync, 
analog clocks and control voltages in the form of LFOs and 
envelopes. They all basically represent different approaches 
to synchronize different instruments and effect units; some 
of them are nearly as old as synthesizers themselves, some 
are more recent. Some are intended to let devices run at the 
same speed, some at creating repeated or single events 
within a certain time frame that’s in sync with other gear. 
Synchronization problems are always a time consuming and 
annoying reality for many musicians. This is why we decided 
to build a Rhythm Workstation / Utility Tool that helps 
electronic musicians get the most out of their equipment by 
properly syncing a large amount of devices in many different 
ways, without losing a ‘hands-on’ feeling and creativity!
The heart of the RH301 is the master clock, of which the 
tempo can be set by turning the Tempo knob, by tapping a 
tempo on the tap button, by syncing it to MIDI, DIN Sync or 
an external analog clock signal. The generated clock signal 
can be passed on via two clock outputs, two division outputs 
or via the MIDI Output and DIN Sync Output. An incoming MIDI 
signal can also be passed along via the MIDI Thru and MIDI 
Out sockets.
And that’s not all: besides having a master clock section, 
the RH301 is also fitted with a LFO which can be synced to 
the master clock or run freely from 0,25 Hz to 260 Hz in five 
different waveforms: sine, triangle, square, S&H and noisine. 
This means the pedal can also be used as a lo-fi oscillator, 
when you turn the LFO up into the audible range. The LFO 
has two separate outputs on the patch bay: LFO out and LFO 
inverted out. Some of the features of the LFO can also be 
modulated via control voltage, the pedal boasts CV inputs for 

The third main feature of the RH301 is an Envelope Generator 
which can easily be synced to the master clock, a division 
of the master clock or run in loop mode. Besides the normal 
controls for ATTACK, DECAY, SUSTAIN and RELEASE the pedal 
comes with a RANGE knob to change the time range of the 
envelope created. The envelope generator comes with a 
normal envelope output and an inverted envelope output 
and can also be triggered by an external gate / trigger via 
the external gate input. 

To improve playability and to stimulate your creative process, 
the RH301 also has a built-in infra-red motion controller, 
which can be used to control the CV inputs of the RH301, 
other KOMA products or any device that accepts CV inputs 
in general, since it has it’s own dedicated SENSOR Output on 
the patch bay. 

No matter what your setup is, digital or analog, if you use 
a modular synthesizer, DAW, drum computer, synthesizer 
or our own BD101 and FT201 effect pedals, the RH301 is an 
effective tool to make sure they all walk in line, while you 
have your hands free to create beautiful tunes. Have fun!

All the best from Berlin,

The KOMA Elektronik Team

RH 301






(Data): This is the un-
processed MIDI signal 
present at the MIDI 
input jack chained 


(Clock Output) 



This is the clock 

output for DIN Sync 
receptive devices. It 
provides the clock in-
formation (sync24) as 
well as the start/stop 

(Clock Output)   


This is the connection for the outgoing MIDI 
signal. It contains the clock information as 
well as start and stop signals for MIDI recep-
tive devices.


(Clock / Data Input)  


Socket for MIDI or DIN Sync clock input. The 
RH301 can distinguish if, and consequently, 
which signal is present at this connection, so 
that you don’t have to worry about different 


(Trigger In)

Manual start/stop for the clock when there is 
a rising trigger - functions the same as the 
push button.


lock / data input): 


There is one CV input 
trimmer each for LFO 
Symmetry and LFO 
Rate. Turn the trimmer 
fully CW to get 100% 
signal going through 
and turn the trimmer 
fully CCW to get no in-
coming CV signal.


Standard BOSS Style 
adapter (2.1 x 5.5mm 
barrel plug), 9V, center polarity 
negative, 500mA minimum. Only 
use the KOMA Elektronik power 
supply shipped with this pedal.



(Analog Clock Output)  

CLOCK     1 


This is the main clock output. It sends a 50% 
duty cycle square wave signal. The CLOCK 
output is twofold and both outputs are 

 (CV Output)  

 ENV        5                

The ENV CV output holds the signal of the 
envelope generator. Signal ranges from 0V – 


(CV Output) 

 ENV INV    2    



The ENV INV CV output is the inverted enve-
lope output. Signal ranges from 7.6V – 0V.the 
higher the CV rises. The sensor output is 0 – 

(Analog Clock Output)  

DIVISION     6      


This is the division output, sending a 50% 
duty cycle square wave signal depending on 
the setting of the rotary DIVISION switch. The 
DIVISION output is twofold and both outputs 
are buffered.

  3     EXT. CLOCK

  (Analog Clock Input)

This CV input accepts rising edge driven 
analog clock signals. Every time a signal 
rises from 0V – 3V the pedal counts one beat.

   7     LFO SPEED 

 (CV Input) 

Controls the speed of the LFO. When you 
insert a control voltage into this input the 
RATE knob determines the offset voltage. 
(Usable range from 0 – 5V).

  4     LFO SYMM

  (CV Input)

Controls the symmetry of the LFO. When 
you insert a control voltage into this input 
the SYMMETRY knob determines the offset 
voltage. Usable range from 0 – 5V.

      8      LFO RESET  

(CV Input)

The LFO RESET input can be used the 
externally reset the LFO to bar 1 at any time. 
The input reacts to any rising edge trigger 
that changes from 0V to 3V.  

   9     sensor  

(CV Output)

This is the CV output 
of the infrared motion 
sensor. The closer you 
move something to-
wards the sensor.

  10    LFO INV 

(CV Output)

Inverted LFO output of 
the pedal. It is in phase 
with the main LFO out-
put but the voltages 
are inverted. Signal 
ranges from 7.6V – 0V.


  11    LFO  

(CV Output)

Main LFO output of the 
pedal. Signal ranges 
from 0 – 7.6V.

  12     ENV Gate  

            (CV Input)

Input for external ris-
ing edge gate signals 
to trigger the enve-




Sets the speed of the 
LFO.  If you chose to 
have the LFO synced to 
the master clock you 
can select a division or 
multiples of the mas-
ter tempo to sync to. 
If the LFO is running in 
free mode you can set 
any speed between 
0.25Hz and 260Hz.




Determines the output 
wave of the LFO. 
You can choose be-
tween sine wave, tri-
angle, square, sample 
and hold, and a spe-
cial waveform which 
is composed of a sine 
wave and digital noise.




Used to send a divi-
sion or multiples of 
the master CLOCK out-
put. This ranges from 
16th notes to once 
every full bar – in ref-
erence of the master 
clock beats.



Three way switch: the 
TAP position allows 
you to use the large 
black push button to 
tap in a certain tem-
po. The FREE position 
can be used to freely 
set the main tempo 
of the pedal with the 
TEMPO button. The 
EXT. position serves 
as your choice when 
you for example want 
the RH301 to sync to 
either MIDI, DIN Sync or 
EXT. CLOCK input.



Only active in FREE 
mode and can be 
used to freely adjust 
the main tempo an-
ywhere from 40bpm 
to 240bpm (beats per 


Control to set the at-
tack time of the enve-



Control to set the de-
cay time of the enve-



Control to set the level 
of the envelope while 
the gate is high.



Push button to tap a tempo in TAP mode, 
start or stop the unit when in FREE mode or  
it can be used to resync the RH301 when the 
unit is operating in MIDI slave mode. 




Control to set the release time of the enve-



Control to change the time range on the A, D 
and R stages. By turning this knob clockwise 
the envelope becomes slower and fades from 
a snappy linear to a logarithmic behaviour.

                                                     ENV MODE     


Slide switch to chose between master clock 
sync, division sync or free running mode.




Emits a CV signal that can be patched up 
with any CV receptive socket on KOMA prod-
ucts and for example a (modular) synthesiz-
er. By moving your hand over the sensor you 
can control the parameters of the CV input 
patched to it.


 LFO Mode

Choose to have the LFO run freely or synced 
to the clock.




Used to wave shape the LFO output. You can 
bend the symmetry of the wave from 10% to 

