Ethernet/IP Communications | 6 Communication Profile
Faults are cleared (query the General Fault bit in Status Word 1 and issue an explicit message to clear
faults if necessary)
Drive is enabled (set Enable bit in the Control Word)
Drive is in position mode (set Attribute 3 Operational Mode of the Position Controller object)
Smooth Stop and Hard Stop bits are cleared in Status Word 1.
Position Limits are cleared (check bits in Status Word 2)
Drive is homed (check Homed bit in Status Word 1)
6.4.2 Homing
Once all conditions listed under Setup Position Mode have been met (with the exception of homing), the drive
may be homed.
The homing mode may be selected using attribute 0x64 Home Mode of the Position Controller object, or by
setting the homing mode directly in Workbench. See the User Manual for a description of homing modes.
To execute homing, write a value of 1 to attribute 0x65 Start Home Move.
When homing is complete, the Homed flag in Status Word 1of the response assembly will be set.
6.4.3 Position Moves (point to point)
Once all conditions listed under Setup Position Mode have been met, and the drive has been homed, issue
Position Move commands (command type 0x06) to move to a desired position. Target Position, Velocity,
Acceleration, Deceleration, and Incremental (bit in Command Word) should all be loaded before setting the
Load/Start bit to initiate the move.
While in motion, you may issue another Position Move command to interrupt the move with a new target pos-
ition. In position mode, Jog Moves (command type 0x07) work in a similar way, and can be blended with Pos-
ition Moves.
While a Position Move is operating, the In Motion bit in Status Word 1 will be set and In Position will be
cleared. The Direction status bit will reflect the actual direction of motion. In Position will be set when the tar-
get position is reached.
Set the Smooth Stop bit to stop the motor at the previously set deceleration rate and remain enabled.
Set the Hard Stop bit to immediately stop at the Controlled Stop rate and disable. To clear this Controlled
Stop condition, you must clear the Hard Stop and Enable bits, then set the Enable bit.
Position moves are loaded into Motion Task 0, which can be viewed in Workbench for test and verification of
user programs.
6.4.4 Running a Stored Motion Task Sequence
As an alternative to issuing a single point-to-point position commands, EtherNet/IP can be used to start a pre-
defined motion task or sequence of motion tasks.
A motion tasking sequence may be setup in Workbench and then executed later through EtherNet/IP. Motion
tasks may also be setup directly through EtherNet/IP as demonstrated in the sample programs.
To execute a motion task sequence, set Block Number equal to the index of the motion task to begin execut-
ing and transition the Start Block bit high. The drive must be enabled and the stop and Load/Start bits must be
When a stored motion task is running, the response assembly will report this with the Block in Execution
status bit, and the executing task will be given in the Block # response byte.
To stop an executing sequence, set the Smooth Stop or Hard Stop bit.
6.5 Torque
In this mode, the drive runs at constant torque using the latest command value received from the controller.
6.5.1 Setup Torque Mode
Before Torque Move commands may be issued, the following conditions must be met:
Kollmorgen | December 2014