Setting up your new aquarium is not difficult. An aquarium is a beautiful, fascinating addition to your home, dorm or
office and can become a welcome source of enjoyment, education, and relaxation.
Pick a location away from direct sunlight, heat, or air conditioning. Direct sunlight can cause unwanted algae growth that
can cover your rocks and decorations. Placement of the aquarium away from heating and air conditioning vents is also
important, because it is easier to maintain proper aquarium temperature when the surrounding air temperature is
relatively stable. Place the aquarium where you will be able to see and appreciate the beauty of your fish.
1. Rinse your tank with warm water only. Do not use soap, detergents or cleaning agents. These cleansers may leave
residues that can be harmful to your fish. Avoid using any used rags or sponges that were used for cleaning and
contain harmful chemicals; these can be toxic to your fish also. Wipe the water off the outside of the tank with a
clean, soft cloth.
2. Place your Picture Frame aquarium on a level surface or securely mount with wall anchors or molly bolts (not includ-
ed). An aquarium filled with water, gravel and decorations will weigh about 10 lbs. per gallon so it is important to
securely attach the picture frame to the wall. The following are general instructions for installing the wall anchor (s).
Select an appropriate wall anchor or molly bolt and follow all instructions included with that product.
3. Rinse your aquarium gravel and decorations (not included) thoroughly. Empty the bag of gravel into a new plastic
bucket or one that has never been used with chemicals. Place the bucket in the sink and turn the cold water on,
allowing the tap water to fill the bucket. Gently stir the gravel as the water fills the bucket and continue to do so as
the bucket overflows, rinsing the gravel until the water runs clear. Place gravel, rocks and decorations in the tank
now, spreading the gravel evenly across the bottom of the aquarium.
4. Fill aquarium with water to within two to three inches of the top of the aquarium and add Top Fin™ Water Conditioner
to remove tap water chemicals such as chlorine and chloramine.
5. Allow your aquarium to operate for at least 24 hours before adding fish.
6. Be sure that the fish you select are compatible with each other. Only add one fish at the beginning. After two weeks
you can add another fish. A good guide to follow is one inch of fish per gallon of aquarium.
7. It will take 4 to 6 weeks for the aquarium to cycle and establish a favorable balance. During this time it is important
not to add too many fish or your aquarium may become cloudy and you may possibly lose fish.
8. Monitor the ammonia, nitrite and pH levels weekly. If the ammonia or nitrite levels become too high or the pH level
too low perform a partial water change. Your aquarium’s ammonia and nitrite levels should be at recommended
How to set up your new Picture Frame Aquarium
This product is intended for Household use only
Part #ISZ-75PF-KP