Service and Repair Manual
Accessible areas
2.8.2 Engine in commissioning — test-run
Fig. 45: Engine areas during commissioning/test run — view from above and coupling side
Following areas are accessible for commissioning and test run tasks:
– A – Counter coupling side (damper side)
– B – Engine sides
– C – Coupling side (flywheel side)
– D – Above the engine
Access to the following areas is forbidden:
– E - Below the engine
2.8.3 Emergency stop
The machinery owner is responsible to mark the hazardous areas and the fail-safe devices.
The emergency stops must withstand the operational conditions, kept visible and legible during the
entire life cycle.
Additional emergency stops and measures according to project standards and local regulations
and standards are possible.
The emergency stop button and signals, as the acknowledge buttons are described in the gener-
ator set manual.
Property damage by misuse of emergency stops.
Misusing the emergency stops to stop the engine could lead to property damage.
Initiate an emergency stop only in emergency situations.
Initiating an emergency stop:
Press the emergency stop button.
After an emergency stop:
Remedy to the emergency situation.
Acknowledge the emergency stop button and signals.
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