Although there are no operational restrictions on
the portable generator when used for the first
time, it is recommended that the following me-
chanical items be checked:
After operating for 1 hour:
1. Ensure the machine is in
safe condition
fore checking any components. (see 4.1.1)
2. Review the engine operators manual for
3. Inspect the axle, tires, and wheels (if in-
stalled) .
4. Torque all fasteners and hardware.
5. Check that the alternator cooling air intake
and discharge openings are free and un-
6. Check condition of electrical components
and connectors. Keep all components / con-
nectors in good condition.
After operating for 8 hours:
1. Repeat steps 1 through 6 listed above.
(Section A)
2. Go to the normal servicing and mainte-
nance schedule as defined in the Mainte-
nance Section.
Efficient and safe operation of the Kodiak Portable
Generator requires that each operator reads and
understands the use procedures and all related
safety precautions outlined in this section.
A Preoperation checklist is provided for the opera-
tor. It is important for both the personal safety and
maintaining good mechanical condition that this
checklist is followed.
Before operating the Kodiak Portable Genera-
tor and each time thereafter, the following areas
should be checked off:
Pre-Operation Checklist
Check and lubricate the machine per the schedule outline
in the Maintenance Section.
Exhaust gas contains poisonous carbon monoxide. Never
run the generator in an enclosed area. Be sure there is
adequate ventilation in the work area.
Check all electrical connections. Replace, repair or clean
as required.
Make sure that all lids, guards and shields are in place,
secured and functioning as designed.
Check condition of the battery and other electrical
components. Keep all components in good condition.
Check the fuel level, Starting with a full tank will help to
eliminate or reduce operating interruptions for refueling.
Check engine fluid levels. Top up as required. Refer to the
engine operators manual.
Check the air filter
Check all power cords that will be used, ensure they are in
good repair.
Check that the alternator cooling air intake and discharge
openings are free and unblocked
Air Intake
Air Discharge
Ensure alternator openings
are free and unblocked