Kodak No. 2 Hawk-Eye Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

Содержание No. 2 Hawk-Eye

Страница 1: ...P icture ti k ing w ith the No 2 Cartridge Hawk Ey Camera Model C EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY RocnBsrBn N Y tl S A tr tr o b a 5 F F B l C V l L ...

Страница 2: ...42 20 AM www carburetor manual com Would you like some Free Manuals http carburetor manual com free shop manual club t 13 html Also visit http freeshopmanual com for more Free Manuals Also Visit my website for 7 FREE Download Manuals starting with this one The ABC s of Carburetion Click Here Now ...

Страница 3: ...r It ff describes in a sirnple understandable way e iery phase of photography that the am ateur is likely to be interested in such as de veloping printing etc Prof usely illustrated EASTN AN KODAK COMPANY At your dealer s RocspsrBn N ...

Страница 4: ...n this ofrer alter that the subscriptiofl ptice will be sixty cents Jor one year or one dollar for two years but you are under no obligation to renep EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY To THE EASTMAN KoDAK CoMPANY RocHESTER NEwyoRK Accepting your ofrer please put my naffie on the mailimg litt for K DAKEF Y with the understsnding thst there is to be nocost to me I having obtained a Iiind of Clanlera rnni n l l ...

Страница 5: ...P icture tak ingla ith the No 2 Cartridge Hawk Eye Camera Model C Published by EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY Rocnrsron N Y U S A ...

Страница 6: ...y Number All Kodak Filn rs are distinguished b1 the numbers on the encls of the cartons This number is also on the cartridge and on thc camera 120 is the nurnber of the film for the No 2 Cartridge Harvk Eyc Camera ...

Страница 7: ...hutter seepage 12 The first thing to remerrber is that the light rvhich irnpressesthe photographic image upon the sensitive film in a fraction of a second when it cornes through the lens can destroy the filrn as quickly as it makes the picture Vhile loading and unloading the carnera be very careftrl to keep the protective paperrvound tightly around the film to pre vent the light striking it ...

Страница 8: ...CONTENTS Loading the Camera Making the Exposures Removing the Film Finishingthe Pictures t 2 2 l 25 ...

Страница 9: ...mera I c a n l r e l o a l e do r r r n l o a d e d i n d a v l i q h t l his should lrerlonein a subducd light zot in the clirect sunlisht I lse filn r No 120 for tlrc No 2 artridgt H rwk Eye Camera To Load 1 Push over the spring catches A A seci rg l a a tr C s B ii J l Fig I 5 ...

Страница 10: ...t at each forrvard corncr therc is a recessto hold a spool of filnt There is an empty spool in the recess on the winding side this is to be used as the reel The winding side rnay altays be disrin guished by rh1 round opening in the rull holder directly behind the exposure levcr The winding key is inserted in the reel through tnls openrng 6 ...

Страница 11: ...4 Tnse rtth o spoul oi filrrr in the ret ess F p t l l t r e r i i n d i n gs i d c l r a u i n g o u r o n e ol fh espflng grips jrrsf clrough to p errrrit the spool to drolrinro acc a in i rigl iii L t l J rl ...

Страница 12: ...ve upon the pins Important The word TOP r vhich is printed on the protective paper near the top of the spool nrust be next to the side of the roll holder u hich has the round opening through which the key is inserted in the reel f the car tridge is inserted the rvrong way the protec Fis V 8 ...

Страница 13: ...and across the opening in the back of the roll holder Fig V llnfold the end of thc pro tective paper and thread it through the longer opening of the slit in the reel as far as it will go as shown in Fig VI being aery careJul to t u B F B H C w 3 h aaethe paper d raun two or three forward hold securely on the straight Give the spool turns to make the paper spool 9 ...

Страница 14: ...ned 6 The camera rnust now be closed Re insert the roll holder in the outside bor so that the slotted end of the indine reel which shows lhrough the round hole ln rhe roll holder will come next to the winding ke1 in the outside box Fasten the roll holcler to the outsicle box rvith thc trvo catches A A illustrated in Fig I page 5 Fig rII 10 ...

Страница 15: ... R T rn Le l ow about fifteen turns f i l r r i n o hand appearsin the red rvindorv then turn slorvlv until the figure 1 appears in the center of the rvindou fhe filrn is norv in position for the first plcture Pressin the wind i n g k e y s l i g h t l l when turning it to make sure that the web on the key stays within the slot in the spool ...

Страница 16: ...e not as sharp will be sharp enough for all practical purposes Do not attempt to take pictures of subjects nearer to the camera than six feet v ithout using a Kodak Portrait Attach nent see page 19 The shutter of this camera is released bv pushing lhe exposurelever B Fig l eirhei up or down with the thumb Push the lever slowly ancl in one direction only If the lever stands at the top of the slot s...

Страница 17: ...click will be heard and no ex posure made Push the lever as far as it rvill go When making snapshots the subject should be in the broad open sunlight but the camera must not The sun should be behind your back or over your shoulder If it shines directly into the lens it will blur ar rdfog the picture 1 3 ...

Страница 18: ... t l r y t t r r n i n 3 t h e c a m c r a e i t h e r t o rne rlght or lctt O n l v r h e o b j e c t s r h a r s h o w i n r h e f i n t J c r ili snow rn the ptcturc All being ready H old rhe canrcra steady and ler ela shou n ll l urjrlllgn rg I and push rhe exposure levcr blJ ll I pagc 1J on c as fai as it wUr go I tus makcsthe exposure 1 ...

Страница 19: ...hc pictrric u lrt De blurrerl Turn a New Section of Film into ppsition P rcs in rhc uindirrg kcy slighrly ancl rrrnr r r s t o t v u n l l l l h e n e r n u n l b e r a p p c a r s i n the center of the red ninclou The rvarning hand appcars only before No 1 Repeat these operations after each exposure ...

Страница 20: ...Important When makin snaPshots with anY carnera hold it firmly a ainst the body 1 6 ...

Страница 21: ...as shown When pushing the exposure lever hold the trreath for tbe instant 1 7 ...

Страница 22: ... must be held level l all of the subject cannot be included in the finder without tiltine the camera upwards move backrvards t ttil it is all included uitll thc comera held Jetel Fig lII EFFECT PRODTICED BY TILTING TIIE CA ERA 1 8 ...

Страница 23: ... rvith the center of the subject Kodak Portrait Attachment The Kodak Portrait Attachment is arr extrzr lens which rvhen slipped in the lens opening in the front of the camera makes large head and shoulder portraits Place the Attachment in the lens opening Compose the picture in the finder Ire subject must be 3 4 feet from the lens The Attachnrcnt cdn also he userl u hen making pictures of flou ers...

Страница 24: ...e resular Kodak Portrait Attach ment It produ es a true soft focuseffect free fronr objectionable fuzziness or out of focus appearance By using this Attachment portraits are made rnore artistic due to the softening effect of diffusion Vith the No 2 Cartridge Hawk Eye Camera Model C use a Kod ah Difusion Portrait Attachment No 1 20 ...

Страница 25: ... e paper 2 Remove the roll holder in a subduccl light as described on pages 5 and 6 3 Hold the encls of the protective paper and the sticker together to prevent the film and paDerlrontloost ning Draw out the spring grip irrst enough 1o releasethe spool and liit 5ui ihe roll oiexposed filnr Fig I pagc 22 If the sticker has been rvound under the roll revolre thc spool to Lring ir up 4 Fold under abo...

Страница 26: ...up the exposed film immediatell to prevent the possibility of light being ad mitted The roll of film is n ow readi for developingand prinring 6 Remove the empty spool and place it in the recesson the winhing side of ihe roll holder The slotted end oflhe spool should colne ncxt ro the kev hole 2 2 o e L a 4 F v ts F c t ...

Страница 27: ... pages 5 to I 1 inclusivc Cinch Marks If the film and paper loosen r p a trifle when taken frorn the camera there is ar r inclination to take the cartridge in the hancl and wincl it as closely as possible cinching it tightly with a trvisting motion Therc is nothing more likely to injure the negatives than this tight drarving of the film as it rubs the surface making fine parallel scratches running...

Страница 28: ...ide of the camera occasionally with a slightly damp cloth especially if the camera has not been uscd lor some tlnte Load your Hawk Eye rvith Kodak Filrn Look for this Trade Mark on the box LOOK FOR 8 K CO tt ON THE SPOOL END If it isn t Eastmafl it isn t Kodak Film ...

Страница 29: ...lly all conditions Similarly those rvho u ish to do their own developing and printing will find equally ull directions a cornpany ing the Kodak Film Tanks for developing in daylight or our Outfits for tray or dark room use To develop film No 120 used in the No 2 Cartridge Hawk Eye Camera obtain pref erably a Brorvnic Kodak Fihn Tank The film may be developed in the larger tanks but not so economic...

Страница 30: ...er many anateurs find as much pleasure in the finishing of the pictures as in the tal ing of thcm and are a bleto produce excellent l i turcs by thc silrple rrrirhods ive havc worked out We never lose interest in anyone using a i awk Eye Camera We are not only willing but are anxious at all times to helo solve ani prol cmsthal rnay arise cirher by sending the ncccssaryprinted insrruclionsor by ind...

Страница 31: ... x n R r E I i o r K F l L l r T 6 l uplicating Outfit for irbove Tank DEVELOPER PorvlEns for No 2 llrownic De_ veloping Box or Brorvnie Iiodak Fiim T a n k s i s p o w d r s ErsrM NA B C DE ELoPIN AND pnrNtrN OtJTFrr for dark roon development anrl printing trx 5 or smailer complite IioDAK t crD FIXt c PowDER one pound H r l I p o r r r rI l r r a r t c r p u u n d EASTNTAN REDUcER AND ST_IIN Relr...

Страница 32: ...trveJvecolors VELOX TRANSPARENT WATER CoLoR STAMPS complete booklet of twelve colors Kor AK DRy MoUNTTNG TrssriE 2 Z three dozcn sheets KoDAK TRrf Nrri c BoARD KODAK NEGATIvE ALBUY or smaller ncgatives x 3 1 0 1 2 2 8 1 50 1 00 50 1 2 5 1 3 0 1 0 7 5 N o 1 f i v e i n c h to ltold 100 2 1x 3 B Lrrc NIouNrs for prints 2ll x 3 1 per 50 RHODESALRW loose leaf cloth cover 50 b l a c k l e a v e s s i z...

Страница 33: ...vr loping printing or eniarging mark tlle Dackagc plainlt t itlt your narne and address and rrrite r lettcr of instructions rvith rernittance Bromide Enlargements mounted on cards 8 x 1 0 e a c h S 1 0 0 1 0 x 1 2 e a c h 1 1 0 On enlargemenl ordcrs if in our opinion an cnlirrge ment will bc improved bt double mounting rre will do so at an additional charge of ten cents All prices subject lo chang...

Страница 34: ...tfit No Exper ieltce Necessar l This Outfit consists of an Artist s Mixine P a l c t t e r h r e c s p c c i a l r r n c l sH a i r B r u s h i and one book of Velox Transparent Water Color Stamps trvelvc colors EASTN AN KOI AK CO PANY At your dealer s Rocnesrpn N ...

Страница 35: ...nics there are amateurs who wish for further knou l edge of photography The Service Department is at their service your service Do not hesitate to call on us for in fornration on anv photographic subject II e ore at Jour sentice write t0 us there is no charge no obl igotion Address all Communications SERVICE DEPARTMENT EASTMAN KODAK CO to 26 KP soo R HESTER N Y ...

Страница 36: ... r t l l o n t L c b a c k o f c v e r y s h e t L o o k i o r i r endeavor to give thcir cLlstomers the best possible results we have made Velox paoer idcntitiable TLc trade neme Velox is nrinred Insist on Velox the paper that e actly meets the rcquirements of amateur negatives and knorv vou re getting the best results possible from your films Tlre Ilelox Rook tells the working of a simfle fabel ...
