Slide Projector
KODAK EKTAPRO Cine 9020 Slide Projector -
the slide projector for the cinema advertising. Bright projection
light, automatic lamp change and a soft slide fade are the
highlights of this projector.
the EKTAPRO 9020 Cine Projector slides are gently
faded in and out. As soon as the timer is switched on,
the projector automatically executes a soft slide change.
Important features of the KODAK EKTAPRO 9020
CINE Slide Projector
Extra Bright Lamp-Module:
The module provides highest lightoutput for best pro-
jection results in cinemas.
Another 20% reserve of light with special High Light
Automatic lamp changer: In case of a lamp failure
within 0.3 s the system switches over to
a second lamp. That adds security to
your slide advertising display. The de-
fect is indicated by a flashing LED.
Timer: With the built-in timer you
easily perform your self running pres-
entation. Settings between 1 and 60
seconds can be made. The time between 1 and 30 sec-
onds can be set in small steps (approx. 1 second) .
KODAK EKTAPRO 9020 Cine Slide Projector
especially designed for use in cinema theatres.
Based on the KODAK EKTAPRO 9020
Slide Projector this model shows some
new features and thus fulfills the special
technical requirements in the movies
area. For instance the projector is
equipped with the Extra Bright Lamp-
module for obtaining a particularly
bright projection light. This is impor-
tant if slides are projected on wide screens or during ad-
mission when partly dimmed lights are still on.
An automatic lamp changer is installed in the lampmod-
ule. In the moment of a lampfailure within a fraction of a
second the system switches automatically over to the
second lamp. The audience will not notice that! A fea-
ture that gives security during the slide advertising dis-
play. The lamp failure is indicated by two red LEDs.
Another important feature of the EKTAPRO 9020 Cine
Projector is its Soft Slide Feature. Gone are the times of
hard slide changes fatiguing the audiences eyes. With