January 1996
Connecting to a Computer
When you are finished taking pictures with your DC50 zoom camera,
you can transfer the pictures to your computer. You can then use the
pictures or save them on your hard drive. Use the RS232C/RS422
serial cables that are included with the DC50 zoom camera to connect
the camera to a Macintosh computer or an IBM-PC or compatible
computer running Windows software.
The RS232C/RS422 serial communication connector is built into the
camera. This connector is located on the side of the camera and is
covered with a rubber cap.
NOTE: An AC adapter connector is also built into the camera. This
connector is located next to the RS232C/RS422 serial
communication connector.
If you want to connect a serial communication cable to the camera,
pull the rubber cover away from the connectors and plug the cable
in its connector. When a serial communication cable is plugged into
the camera, a three-digit animation appears in the LCD.