In order to obtain a fully developed flow profile through the
instrument, the pipe run should be straight and should not
contain any elbows bends or fittings. A free pipe run of 10-
15 times the pipe bore upstream and 5 times downstream
of the meter is recommended. Hose connection with area
reducing hose nipples, if desired, should be installed only
after this run.
The meter can be installed in any orientation, but should
not be installed with the diaphragm housing at the bottom
of the pipe, since the housing may then function as a
collection point for dirt. If there is a risk that the liquid may
contain dirt particles which are larger than the pressure
sensing ports, a filter must be installed in the system
upstream of the meter.
Switchpoint Adjustment
Unless otherwise specified on ordering, units are delivered
with the switches adjusted so that one switch is set to the
minimum flow value (“1” on adjusting dial) and one at
maximum flow (“5” on the adjusting dial.) These values can
be reset as follows:
1. Undo the 2 screws which retain the cover on the top of
the meter housing. This renders the adjusting dials
2. The adjusting dials are marked 1 through 5. The 1
through 5 indexing of the dial divides the flow
measuring range into 5 equal parts. If it is desired to
have a switchpoint at 50% of maximum flow the switch
adjusting dial would be adjusted to 2.5, etc. An
adjusting tool is included with the unit and is clipped
inside the cover. Adjust the switchpoint with the
adjusting tool.
The wiring diagram above illustrates the switching status
when the
flow is zero
Change of Measuring Range
The brass threaded and brass ANSI wafer units can have
their measuring ranges easily modified in the field by
simply replacing the measuring orifice and scale. To
replace the orifice, undo the through bolts which clamp the
meter between the flanges in the pipe work. Remove one
of the spacer rings which hold the orifice flange in place.
On the wafer style units, the spacer rings are fixed by
means of 2 screws. Replace the orifice flange with a new
one and then replace the spacer ring. Keep in mind that the
measuring scale will also need to be replaced with one
which has the correct new range on it. Stainless steel
threaded and stainless steel wafer style units do not have
interchangeable orifices. They require a new pipe section
or wafer body in order to change the range.
Installation in Piping
KOBOLD Series KEL Installation and Operating Instructions
FM Rev. 9/13/05