Sensors with Liquid Electrolyte
SensoGate WA 132
In the case of inclined installation, the sensor
must be installed as described below to prevent electro-
lyte from flowing out during operation of the retractable
fitting. First, move the fitting into SERVICE position.
Remove the plug and turn the electrolyte filling hole
towards the top to prevent electrolyte from flowing out
when the sensor is inclined.
Observe the installation instructions of the sensor
You can use sensors with a length of 250 mm and an electrode diameter of 12 mm, e.g., Knick
SE 551.
To ensure that the electrolyte flows from the reference electrode to the process medium, the air
pressure in the sensor pressure chamber must be 0.5 to 1 bar above that of the process medium.
The compressed-air connection
for the sensor pressure chamber is made via connection nipple
NW 6 mm. Check whether the sensor is damaged (e.g., glass broken).
Remove the watering cap from the sensor tip and rinse the sensor with water.
Installing the Sensor
1) Before installing the sensor, make sure that
the retractable fitting is in
SERVICE position
(the rubber bellows is expanded).
2) Loosen the small coupling nut
– do not
remove it.
3) Unscrew and remove the large coupling nut
and pull the detached unit upwards.
4) Install the sensor
5) Replace the unit you have detached in step 3.
First hand-tighten the large coupling nut
and then the small coupling nut
6) Connect the cable jack, hold the cable in a
loop and fix it using clamp
The cable loop must be long enough
so that the cable does not impede the stroke
movement of the fitting.
7) Connect the equipotential bonding cable to
(if required).