Altering the default configuration for SCE and Computer Control files
The default locations for the local data or SCE directory can be altered by changing the AppConfig.txt
file, located at C:\Program Files\K’NEX\Computer Control\Objects.
The default locations are:
LocalDataDirectory=[MyDocuments]\K’NEX Computer Control Programs
LocalAceDirectory=[ProgramFiles]\K’NEX\Computer Control SCE Files
Once the AppConfig.txt file has been altered it should be saved.
If the SCE files are to be stored onto a shared area on your network (rather than the local machine)
then the AppConfig.txt file must be altered on all computers running K’NEX Computer Control.
Edit the configuration file as follows:
Open the C:\Program Files\K’NEX\Computer Control\Objects\AppConfig.txt file into Notepad
Locate and change the line LocalAceDirectory= to point to the folder you wish to set as the new
Please note on all windows 64bit operating systems, references to C:\Program Files will change to be
C:\Program Files (x86)
Glossary of commands
Is Input> <Number/Variable/Word> <On/Off>
Is Sensor> <Number/Variable/Word> < />/=/</<>/>=/<= > <Number/Variable/Word/Seconds/Random>
Is Variable> <Variable/Word> < />/=/</<>/>=/<= > <Number/Variable/Word/Seconds/Random>
Is Binary Input> < />/=/</<>/>=/<= > <Number/Variable/Word>
Used to test a condition and jump to a true or false location.
• Is Input 4 On? GoTo line X else GoTo line Y
• Is Sensor Word <> 20? GoTo line X else GoTo line Y
• Is Sensor a >= b? GoTo line X else GoTo line Y
• Is Variable Word > 15? GoTo line X else GoTo line Y
• Is Binary Input = 56? GoTo line X else GoTo line Y
Make <Variable/Word> = <Variable/Number./Seconds/Random[x]> {< + * / < > <= >= <> ^ =}
Used to generate variables and assign them values. All variables are global.
Examples are:
• Make Counter = 0
• Make Counter = C 1
• Make Counter = Counter – 1
• Make Counter = Total + Counter
• Make Dice = Random(5)+1
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