2.4.3 Informal safety measures
The operating instructions must be permanently available in the place that the grinding units are
used. In addition to the operating instructions, the generally applicable as well as locally relevant
accident prevention regulations must also be made available and observed.
All safety alert symbols and danger warnings on the grinding units must be complete and clearly
2.4.4 Selection and qualification of personnel
Only trained and instructed personnel may work on the grinding units. Observe the legally
permitted minimum age!
The responsibilities of personnel with respect to commissioning, operation, maintenance, and
repair must be clearly specified.
Personnel still in the training or instruction phase are only permitted to work on the grinding
units under the constant supervision of an experienced person!
2.4.5 Machine control system
Only trained and instructed personnel are permitted to switch on the machine.
2.4.6 Safety measures in normal operation
Do not operate the machine in any unsafe manner. Only operate the grinding units if all safety
devices are installed and fully functional.
At least once per shift (or per day), check the grinding units for externally visible damage and
proper functioning of the safety devices.
Immediately report any changes present (including those of the operating behavior) to the
responsible office or person. If necessary, immediately shut down the grinding units and secure
them against restart.
Before you switch on the grinding machine, ensure that no one can be injured by the start-up of
the machine.
In the event of a malfunction, immediately stop the grinding machine and secure it against
restart. Rectify malfunctions immediately.
2.4.7 Hazards due to electrical power sources
Work on electrical systems or operating materials may only be performed by a qualified electrician,
in accordance with electrical regulations.
Defects, such as damaged cables, cable connections, etc. must be immediately rectified by an
authorized specialist.
2. Safety