SMY133-SMY134-SMP133 Operating Manual
8. Firmware Extension Modules
Standard firmware contains specific modules with additional functionality. To enable the modules they
must be activated first. For activation code contact the supplier of your instrument or enquiry directly
our sales department.
8.1 Power Quality Module
Instruments with PQ module enabled do measure the power quality indices as required by EN 50160.
It enables specific features in the power analyser required for the PQ monitoring: Flicker indices,
interharmonics and voltage events as defined in EN 50160, IEC EN 61000-4-30, -4-7 and -4-15. This
module also activates secondary archive - the PQ Main Archive, which contains aggregated value
readings in the required interval. Module also adds an archive of voltage events - the PQ Event
Archive - which contains start-/end- time and extremal values of every recorded voltage fluctuation.
8.2 Ripple Control Signal Module
The RCS module (Ripple Control Signal or mains signalling voltage) activates an ability to detect,
evaluate, decode and store various ripple control signals on the monitored power network. Signalling
frequency and telegram threshold voltage can be specified. Signals get decoded and archived in the
internal memory. On instruments with display the signal level can be also displayed live.