KMB systems, s.r.o.
Dr. M. Horákové 559, 460 06 Liberec 7, Czech Republic
tel. +420 485 130 314, fax +420 482 736 896
email :
, internet : www.kmb.cz
SML 133
Multifunctional Meter
Operating Manual
Firmware 2.0.32
The instrument measures line and phase voltages, currents, active, reactive and apparent powers,
power factors, THD and harmonics of voltages and currents, as well as frequency in single-phase and
three-phase low, medium and high voltage power systems.
Built-in electricity meter measures electric energy in four quadrants (both active and reactive
energies), as well maximum active power demand.
The instrument further allows informative measurement of temperatures within a switchboard cabinet
using an inbuilt temperature sensor.
Besides actual values, average values during preset time window are evaluated too. Maximum and
minimum values of them are registered.
The instrument feature three voltage and three fully isolated current measuring inputs.
Nominal range of the voltage inputs can be in range from 57.7/100 up to 400/690 V
The current inputs are designed for indirect measurement only - they must be connected via external
current transformers. The models with current-type inputs are available as either the „X/5A“, i.e. with 5
nominal range (for standard CTs), or the „X/100mA“ with nominal range of 0.1 A
. The „X/333mV“
models are determined either for CTs with output nominal voltage of 333 millivolts or for flexible
current sensors (Rogowski coils) with embedded integrator and appropriate output voltage. Such
models are equipped with auxiliary power supply of 5V for the sensors.
The instrument can be optionally equipped with two relays with programmable function or solid-state
outputs that can be used as electricity meter impulse outputs and one digital input for general state
Power supply of standard instrument models has universal range 85 ÷ 275 V
or 80 ÷ 350 V
Optional power supply range is 12 ÷ 48 V
The instruments can be equipped with an RS 485, Ethernet or M-Bus communication interface. Then
the ENVIS software allows remotely viewing data measured. For custom design systems, the Modbus
communication protocol can be used too.
5 / 2016