Explosion proof stationary fan
Structure and Function
The fan consists of a spiral steel housing, motor with installed on its shaft aluminium radial
impeller. The impeller blades remind the airplane wing cross-section and provide low
acoustic pressure level of the fan.
The inlet opening is located in the axle of the spiral, whereas the fan outlet is at the end of
the housing spiral. Both openings are equipped with a protective grill.
The motor flange is screwed up to the fan housing, whereas the motor base (feet) is fixed
to a special framework of steel pipes (see Fig. No.1). The pipe framework features vibro-
isolating properties.
Both connection fitting pieces (inlet and outlet) are equipped with clamps and protective
cables, to dissipate the electrostatic charges.
Rigid conduits (connected with the fan) should be secured with a protective cable G-Y,
which is fastened with the fan. Additionally, the Ex-motor must be equipped with a clamp
for the protective cable (see Fig. No.3) as an execution of the local equilibration connection.
Assembly and Start-up
The portable fan should be fixed firmly to the floor (to avoid the eventual sparking while the
fan is displaced on the floor). The sort of floor fastening has to be chosen by User.
User who is carrying out the installing is responsible for the complete fulfilling of the
provisions of the standard PN-EN ISO 13857:2010.
After the portable fan is installed at the workplace, it is time to connect it with the ventilation
ducting. To connect the fan with rigid conduits use flexible connectors, as the fan must not
be charged with the weight of the ventilation ducts.
The whole ventilation system should be equipped with a correctly prepared installation, lead-
ing the electrostatic charges away (dissipation). The connections between the ventilation
ducts should be secured with electrostatic joints of protective cables.
Examine whether the metal ducts are adequately grounded. Additionally, the motor housing
should be grounded through the protective cable (fastened to the terminal on the housing).
Any activity related to connection to the power supply system, should be
executed by a person with adequate qualifications, according to the valid regulations.
Prior to connection, make sure if the parameters of the existing installation is according to
corresponding parameters on the nominal data plate.