Kiwisix Notes
The Kiwitechnics KiwiSix upgrade
has been designed to replace the
existing KLM-367 board.
Note: The PolySix hardware design
requires capacitors in the Oscillator
control area to charge before tuning
is correct. This takes about 10-12
seconds after the PolySix is
powered on.
This manual should be used in
conjunction with the existing PolySix
User Guide and only the differences
are detailed here.
Tone Selection
The method for selecting tones
differs from the Polysix. The Kiwisix
supports 512 fully editable tones
whereas the original Polysix had 32
Tones are stored in 8 bank groups
which are accessed using the four
Bank Buttons A-D. There are two
'groups' of banks and the current
group is changed by pressing an
already selected bank button. i.e. if
Bank A is active and it is pressed
again the bank 'group' will increment
to the next group and Group 'E' will
be selected. If the current group is
on E then the next group will be A.
The current bank group is indicated
as follows
Grp 1 - Bank Lights A-D are normal
Grp 2 - Bank Lights A-D are flashing
Tones are selected using a two button
system. Tones in any one group are
numbered 1-1 to 8-8 making 64 tones in
each group. The first tone button
pressed selects the first digit and is
shown by the tone light flashing quickly.
The next tone button selects the tone
and it is loaded at this point.
e.g. to select Bank C tone 4-7 the
button presses would be:-
Bank C, Tone 4, Tone 7
The same button sequence is used
when writing a tone to memory and the
actual write to memory is done on the
second tone button press.
Note - The LEDs on Bank buttons B-D
use a common resistor. The result of
this is the LEDs will appear dimmer and
will pulse if more than one is on. A fix for
this is detailed in the install section of
the manual.
Factory Tones
The KiwiSix comes loaded with the
original Korg PolySix factory tones as
well as the original Polysix alternate
tone set. These can also be restored
at any time if desired.
These 64 tones have been placed in
Bank A1-1 -> A8-8 and the tone
names are on the next page of the
manual. Banks B-H have a blank tone
in them which can be altered or
KiwiSix Upgrade User Manual v3