Parts and Features
Adjustable Slicing Control
adjustable slicing disc allows
you to manually adjust slicing thickness from
thin to thick.
Two speeds and Pulse provide precise
control to give great results with most
any food.
Work bowl Cover with 3-in-1 Feed Tube
One of the industry’s largest, the 3-in-1 feed
tube accommodates large items such as
tomatoes, cucumbers, and potatoes with
a minimum of sectioning or slicing.
Important parts and accessories included with your new Food Processor are highlighted
below. Refer to the following pages for additional details on accessories included with your
Food Processor as well as optional accessories you can order.
3-Piece Food Pusher (KFP90FTP)
Three pushers are nested inside of each
other. Remove the medium pusher from the
large pusher to reveal a medium-size feed
tube for continuous processing.
For continuous processing of smaller items
(like herbs, nuts, single carrots, and celery),
remove the narrow pusher and use the
narrow feed tube.
A small hole in the bottom of the narrow
pusher makes it easy to drizzle oil into
ingredients – just fill with the desired
amount of oil or other liquid ingredient.
heavy-Duty base
The heavy, slip-resistant base helps
provide improved stability and reduced
vibration during tough food processing jobs.
3-cup (708 ml) Mini-bowl and
Mini-blade (KFP90bM)
Mini-bowl and stainless steel mini-blade are
perfect for small chopping and mixing jobs.
9-Cup (2.0 l) Work bowl (KFP90WbOb)
The durable, large work bowl provides
capacity for large jobs.
Adjustable Slicing Disc (KFP90ESl)
Disc is adjustable from approximately
inch (1 mm) to
inch (6 mm) for
slicing most foods.
Reversible Shredding Disc (KFP90RD)
Shredding disc is reversible to allow coarse
or finely shredded cheese or vegetables.
Drive Adapter
The drive adapter is used to connect the
slicing/shredding disc to the power shaft
on the base.
Multipurpose blade (KFP90bl)
Versatile blade chops, minces, blends, mixes,
and emulsifies in a matter of seconds.
Dough blade (KFP90Db)
The dough blade is specially designed
for mixing and kneading yeast dough.
Included Accessories