Phiz 3D Scanner
User Manual
Thank you for purchasing and using the Phiz 3D Scanner developed by KIRI Innovation.
Phiz 3D Scanner is a unique 3D scanner that works in conjunction with your smartphone.
After downloading the Phiz App, Phiz 3D Scanner can be connected to your smartphone
wirelessly. Then you can enjoy the high-precision 3D scan right on your smartphone.
Since the beginning of this project, we have been putting a lot of thoughts (and fights, if
necessary) into the intuitiveness. We hope you like the user experiences that we are trying to
bring to you and that we will be continuously improving this product to make it more
KIRI Innovation has the best team on earth! We started with two passionate individuals
and now have grown to be the place of choice for the PhDs and smart a**es across top
colleges in the world.
The Phiz 3D Scanner was first introduced as a Kickstarter project, it was brought to life by
908 innovation early adopters. They took huge risks of being scammed by “just another
Kickstarter project” and backed us anyways. We cannot thank them enough for their bravery
because KIRI Innovation would’ve probably been dead if they gave up on us.
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