FingerVein Online
Installation and Programming Manual
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9. Communications Protocol
The communications protocol with the FingerVein Online electronics consists of two
• Frame format
• Instructions ( Arguments) and events.
Communications between the FingerVein Online electronics and the Host can be via
several communication channels and, in fact, the communications protocol will differ in
each case. ActiveX
) controls can be used, which
encapsulate all the details of the protocol and instructions.
If, however, KSP (see
) is used or your own serial frames are generated,
bear in mind the frame format and instructions detailed in the following sections.
9.1. Bio-OCX RS-232 or TCP/IP frame format
If the serial port, the TCP/IP socket or an external converter (e.g. RS232-WiFi) is used,
the frames should be in the following format:
[ 1 byte ] Indicates the start of the frame. It is the ASCII char-
acter 0x02.
[ 2 char ] This parameter indicates the meaning of the frame
and enables you to interpret the data it contains. It is a byte
value expressed by two hexadecimal ASCII characters (rang-
ing from '0' to '9' or from 'A' to 'F'), representing a hexadeci-
mal two-digit value.
[ 4 char: ] This parameter indicates the number of bytes
encoded in the data field. It is a 16 bit value expressed by four
hexadecimal characters representing a hexadecimal four-digit
[ 2 x NA char ] This contains the frame information. This
field will be made up of <NA> pairs of hexadecimal ASCII
characters representing each of the <NA> information bytes.
[ 2 char ] This field contains a byte value resulting from add-
ing all the ASCII values from the frame in module 255 except
for <STX>, <CRC> and <ETX>. Expressed by two hexadec-
imal ASCII characters.
[ 1 byte] This indicates the end of the frame. It is the ASCII