K6101 Dual Enevelope
User Manual
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The K6101 Dual Envelope module from Kilpatrick Audio is a Eurorack version of the famous PHENOL envelope generator. This was created by
popular demand and will definitely add a new level of creativity to your modular system.
The K6101 Dual Envelope requires only +12V and -12V. Make sure you use a good power supply that is not overloaded. The voltages should
measure as close to +12V and -12V as possible.
To get something happening right away, turn the third knob on the top row all the way up. Turn the left two knobs up half way. Set the top group of
black buttons so that only the top one is on. This puts the first channel into oscillator mode. Patch the OUT 1 jack to the pitch input on an oscillator.
Try turning down the third knob to quantize the output!
Jacks and Controls
The K6101 is a dual channel unit. Other than sharing some circuitry and a panel, the two channels function completely indepedently of each other.
Note that buttons are used to change modes. These settings are automatically stored in non-volatile memory and should restore the previous
setting when power is applied.
The function of each of the jacks is as follows:
GATE IN 1 / 2 - Trigger the envelope - in oscillator mode this input can be used to momentarily trigger the oscillator
CV IN 1 / 2 - Adjust the envelope time or oscillator speed - this signal will add or subtract from the current panels settings
OUT 1 / 2 - The envelope or oscillator signal output - the output voltage can range from -5V to +5V - an LED above the GATE button shows
the output level as red, (negative voltage) green (positive voltage) or off (near zero volts)
The function of each control is as follows:
UP TIME / SPEED KNOB - Sets the up time (envelope modes) or oscillator speed (oscillator mode)
DOWN TIME / LEVEL KNOB - Sets the down time (envelope modes) or output level (oscillator mode)
THIRD KNOB - Has three possible modes which are set with the third knob mode button (described below)
GATE - Button to manually generate a gate signal - also has an LED that shows when the gate is on
Envelope / Oscilltor Mode Button - Top button selects between the main oscillator / envelope modes as described below