KIKKA BOO JUNO Скачать руководство пользователя страница 5


•  Never leave your child unattended, even for the shortest time.

•  Keep the pushchair far away from fire.

•  To avoid suffocation, keep any plastic coverings or bags far away from your child.

•  Any load attached to the handle affects the stability of the pushchair.

•  Make sure that all locking devices are engaged before being used.

•  Take out your child and fold the pushchair when ascending or descending stairs or escalators. The pushchair is designed to be used on flat road 

without roadblocks. 

•  Do not let the child sitting inside the pushchair play nearby the warning apparatus or heating devices or stove.

•  The maximun load of the pushchair is 15KGS, The pushchair is intended for one child aged from 6 to 36 months, and unsuitable for a child aged under 

6  months.

•  The child should be harnessed in at all the times.

•  When carrying the pushchair, do not put the child inside.


1. Handle; 2. Canopy; 3. Bumper; 4. Front belt; 5. Foot belt; 6. Foot rest; 7. Front wheel; 8. Canopy buckle 

9. Handle adjusting button; 10. Basket bag; 11. Fold buckle; 12. Bumper adjusting button; 13. Shock absorber; 14. Break; 15.Back wheel


1.Openning and installing. Take out the pushchair, unlock the hook

Lift up / pull up the handle bar and when you hear  the “click” sound, the pushchair is openned.

2. Installation and uninstallation of rear wheel: Take the block pin and the spacer down from the block wheel axle, then install the back wheels in it. And 

put on the block.  Lift the wheel foot tube, insert the back wheel axle into the wheel foot tube until the spring piece locks the back wheel axle. 

Uninstallation of the back wheel item: Press the spring piece and lift the wheel foot tube up.

3. Installation and uninstallation of the front wheel: Corresponding to the rotation put together the front wheel with the front wheel tube until you hear 

the "click" sound, then pull the wheel to the opposite direction to make sure that the front wheel is locked, otherwise items can not be used. Fixing the 

front wheel: Rotate the front wheel to the correct place, press the fixer key.

Uninstallation of the front wheel: Lift the front foot tube, then press the quick release item.

4. Installation of the bumper: Press the bumper into the plastic hold of the pushchair until you hear the "click" sound, indicating the bumper has been 

installed in place. Uninstallation : Press the inboard release button of bumper with both hands, meanwhile pull out and take off the bumper.

5. Installation and use the canopy: Press the canopy buckle on the hole of the frame until you hear the “click”sound, indicating the canopy has been 

installed in place . Then stick the canopy with  pushchair firmly and pull the tail flat. Adjustment: Press the button according to the direction of arrow A 

to the end, canopy opens. Pull the button according to the direction of arrow B to the end, canopy closes.

6. Adjustment and use of handle, footrest and backrest.

Adjustment of handle:Press the button with thumbs, meanwhile adjust the handle angle freely 

Footrest can be adjusted with 2-posiotion accordingly. Pull up the footrest until the support iron slide into the slot, which is for baby flat. On the 

contrary, pull up the footrest until the support iron slides out from the slot, which is for baby reclining. 

Backrest can be adjusted accordingly, fasten or loosen the backrest belt while pressing the middle button to adjust the backrest angle.

7. Brake instruction. Depress the brake until the brake block clickes into the brake gear completely, then pushchair is stopped. On the contrary, pull the 

brake up, pushchair than can be moved.

Attention: The pushchair must be stopped when in rest, to ensure it can not  be moved.

8. Use of the safety belt: The length of the safety belt can be adjusted according to the baby’s body.

9. Folding the stroller: Fold the canopy. Press down the second lock, pull up the folding handle on the two sides of the canopy. After folding, buckle the 

lock hock.


1. Please check and maintain the pushchair frequently in order to avoid accidental damages.

2. The fabric cover cannot be dipped, when you clean it, please use brush or cloth. For cleaning other parts, please use soap or neutral detergents.

3. Please don’t leave on direct sunlight or in wet places after use.

4. Check on a regular basis whether the screw is loose, parts are damaged or there are sutures on the fabric parts. Please replace any damaged parts 

without any delay.

5. Always follow the instructions in order to avoid any unnecessary damage.


Содержание JUNO


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