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Datasheet 2.50-12.501-01-EN
Product Description
Issue 2014-05-20
Reset button
Pressing the reset button can either restore the device to its initial state or restart the DCS2501.
Briefly pressing the reset button restarts the DCS2501. The settings of the DCS2501 are maintained.
Pressing the reset button for at least 3 seconds performs a reset. All settings are deleted and the
initial state is restored.
Reset button
Ziehen Sie den Ethernet-Stecker vom Gerät ab.
Dadurch werden Störungen des Netzwerks vermieden.
Drücken Sie kurzzeitig den Reset-Taster im Loch (z. B. mit einer Büroklammer).
Es wird ein Neustart durchgeführt.
Pressing the reset button for longer deletes all the DCS2501’s settings and restores it to its initial
Disconnect the Ethernet connector from the device.
This prevents the network from being disrupted.
Press the recessed reset button for at least 3 seconds (e.g. with a paper clip).
The device is reset. The device is restored to its initial state.