Setting Toe to Zero
NOTE: A wheelchair equipped with 0° camber adapter cannot have a toe-in-toe-out condition. This
adjustment is only required when using 2°, 4°, 6° and 8° camber adapters.
Toe refers to how well the rear wheels of the chair are aligned relative to the ground. It affects how well the
chair will roll. Drag or rolling resistance is optimally minimized when the wheel toe is set to zero.
Setting the toe to zero:
1. Loosen the two cap screws (A) (1 per side) that secure the camber tube clamp. Then loosen set screws
(B), 2 per side.
2. Rotate the camber tube (C) until the screws (D) that secure the camber adapters are level with the
ground. The toe is now set at zero.
3. Before tightening the screws (A & B), make certain that the camber tube is centered left-to-right relative
to the wheelchair frame. There should be an equal gap on both sides or none at all.
4. Tighten one screw to 80 in/lb (9.04 N*m) (A) then tighten the screw on the opposite side to 80 in/lbs
(9.04 N*m).
5. Tighten set screws (B) until securely in place.