MODE select button
To choose operating mode, press the MODE
button. Each time you pr ess the button, a mode
is selected in a sequenc e that goes from Auto,
Cool, Dry , Fan The indicator light beside will be
illuminated and remained on once the mode is
selec ted.
To operate on Auto feature:
In this mode, the fan speed can not be adjusted,
it starts automatically at a speed acc ording to
the room temperature. If the room does not
get too warm, it will stay at Low speed.
To operate on Fan Only:
Use this function only when cooling is not
desired, such as for room air circulation .
You can choose any fan speed you prefer.
During this function, the display will show the
actual room temperature, not the set temper-
ature as in the cooling m ode.
TIMER button
W he n th e un it is on, first press t he Timer button ,
t he i ndic at or li gh t ab ove wor d TI MER OFF illu-
mi nates. It ind icat es the Aut o St op p ro gram is
ini tiated.
Pres s or hold t he UP arrow or DOWN arrow to
ch ange the Auto ti me by 0.5 hour i nc re ment s,
up to 1 0 hours , t he n at 1 hou r i ncrem ent s up to
24 hours . The control will count dow n the time
remaining unt il s ta rt .
Th e se le ct ed t ime will re gist er in 5 sec onds and
the s ystem wil l aut omatica ll y revert ba ck t o
display t he previous temperat ure se tti ng.
Tu rn ing the un it ON or OFF at an y time o r
ad just ing t he t imer s et ting to 0.0 w ill can cel
t he Au to Sta rt/ Stop f unc tio n.
W he n LED d is pl ay w in dow d is pl ay s co de of E1,
E2 , P1 or th e Aut o St art / Stop f unc tio n will al so
be c an celled .
W he n th e un it is off, fir st p ress t he Time r bu tton,
the i ndic at or li gh t ab ove wor d TI MER ON illu-
mi nates. It ind icat es the Aut o St ar t p ro gram is
ini tiated.
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