Keysight M8070A Programming Guide
SCPI Command Reference
:PLUGin:JTOLerance:MSETup:LINear:SSIZe ‘identifier’, <NRf>
:PLUGin:JTOLerance:MSETup:LINear:SSIZe? ‘identifier’
‘identifier’: Specify the measurement name.
<NRf>: Set the step size.
Return Range
5 mUI to 100 UI
This command is used to set the step size for each step of the Up Linear
and Down Linear algorithms for the measurement specified by the
measurement name identifier.
When Down Linear is enabled as the search algorithm, the measurement
starts from the maximum (which depends on the jitter frequency). A step
size of 100 mUI, for example, may result in a sequence of 100 UI, 99.9 UI,
99.8 UI and so on. The test for one frequency stops when the BER limit is
met or zero amplitude is reached.
When Up Linear is enabled as the search algorithm, the measurement
starts from the minimum. A step size of 100 mUI, for example, will result in
a sequence of 0.1 UI, 0.2 UI, 0.3 UI and so on. The test for one frequency
stops when the BER limit is exceeded or the maximum amplitude is
This SCPI is applicable for M8041A, M8051A, M8061A, M8062A and
:PLUG:JTOL:MSET:LIN:SSIZe ‘MyMeasurement’, 100mUI