Keysight M8070A Programming Guide
SCPI Command Reference
:PLUGin:ERATio:FETCh:DATA? ‘identifier’[,‘Location’]
‘identifier’: Specify the measurement name.
[,‘Location’]: ‘M*.DATAOUT1’ or ‘M*.DataOut2’ (optional).
Return Range
‘M*.DATAOUT1’ or ‘M*.DataOut2’ (data results)
This command returns the raw data of the error ratio measurement for the
addressed measurement name identifier and location identifier. A
measurement run on location identifier ‘M1.DataIn1’, for example, would
return results specific to ‘M1.DataIn1’ only. If the location identifier is
omitted and measurement data exists from multiple locations, results will
be returned for every location.
The first item in the comma separated list is the location identifier name
(for example, “M1.DataIn1”). The successive values are dependent on the
coding, shown in the order below and are repeated in the same order for
subsequent measured points.
Bit Error Counter
TimeStamp, ComparedOnes, ComparedZeroes, ErroredOnes,
ErroredZeroes, ...
Counter for 8b/10b Bit Coding
TimeStamp, ComparedOnes, ComparedZeroes, ErroredOnes,
ErroredZeroes, ComparedSymbols, ErroredSymbols, IllegalSymbols,
WrongDisparity, FillerSymbols, ReceivedSymbols, Frames, ErroredFrames,
Counter for 128/130 Bit Coding
TimeStamp, ComparedOnes, ComparedZeroes, ErroredOnes,
ErroredZeroes, Blocks, ErroredBlocks, IllegalSynHeaders, FillerSymbols,
ModifiedFillerSymbols, Frames, ErroredFrames, ...
Counter for 128/132 Bit Coding
TimeStamp, ComparedOnes, ComparedZeroes, ErroredOnes,
ErroredZeroes, Blocks, ErroredBlocks, IllegalSynHeaders,
CorrectedSyncHeaders, FillerSymbols, ModifiedFillerSymbols, Frames,
ErroredFrames, ...
This SCPI is applicable for M8041A, M8051A, M8061A, M8062A and
The following example shows the results returned for 128/130 Bit Coding.