TC3XYMT/TC3XYNT Starter Guide (Version 1.04.1)
Keyking International Limited
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Page 3
Controller and Reader wiring
Print out TC3XYHardwareUserManual.doc.
Please refer to the last page of the connection diagram (it is better to view it on the PC
display because of the color code).
Connect wires of RJ45 cable to wires of reader’s cable. Notice that:
PIN 1&2 of RJ45 connector must be connected together and connect to GND of
PIN 7&8 of RJ45 connector must be connected together and connect to +VDC of
PIN 3 of RJ45 connector must be connected to LED wire of reader.
PIN 4 of RJ45 connector must be connected to BEEP wire of reader (the TC514
reader doesn’t support BEEP wire).
PIN 5 of RJ45 connector must be connected to Data0 wire of reader.
PIN 6 of RJ45 connector must be connected to Data1 wire of reader.
The PIN number is according to EIA/TIA 568.
The reader and controller may be burn if you confused PIN 1,2,7,8.
The reader will beep beep if wrong connected at PIN 3,4,5,6.
Plug the RJ45 connector to controller.
If the connection is ok the RED led will be active, when you flash card the Green LED and
buzzer would be active also.